Pygmy and Alpine Goat for sale. There are now about 7.5 million raised in the United States, the top breeds of which are British Milksheep, East Friesian, Lacaune and Sarda. One of the largest sheep and goat markets in the southeastern United States. Counting sheep. Our members offer services, sheep for sale, goats for sale, specialty breeds, livestock guardian animals, and more! 540-239-4720 Facebook The demand for sheep was at its highest in the 1940s, just shearing the 40 million range. Top Quality Dairy Sheep, Meat & Wool/hair Sheep For Sale ( Sheep ) Livestock > Sheep & Goats > Sheep Frankfort, Kentucky. Mills County Commission Company . Next Sale Dec. 3rd No Sale on Nov 26th. Sheep and goat sales take place the second Thursday of every month @ 3:00 p.m. We begin receiving sheep and goats Wednesday evening between 6:00 -8:00 p.m. and 8 a.m. day of sale until sale time; however, would appreciate it if you would get your animals in as soon as possible on Thursday! This will help ensure a smoother sale. Goldthwaite, Tx . PO Box 529 . Goldthwaite Sheep & Goat Sale we have high quality meat ,wool and hair s... $400.00. Telephone: 931-223-8323 Fax: 931-223-8330 2020 Sale Dates: December 14, 1 p.m. CST December 28, 1 p.m. CST Sheep & Goat Auction . We have an exciting flock of Dorset, Katahdin ,Awasi and east freisian dairy sheep .