Since you'll often be pushing some of the biggest muscle groups in your body with multi-joint movements, you'll be getting your core involved, too—and your upper body often has to actually secure the load. All rights reserved. Proper technique starts to give way when you push to muscle failure, and your priority here is learning good form. But you don't need to stay restricted to the squat rack on leg day, or even to big barbell movements, for that matter. Don't forget to work the hams from the hip joint as well, which means doing Romanians. Sure, you want to ostracize this movement as being “not functional enough”, consider the tremendous benefits. While most workouts start with some variation of the squat—widely acclaimed as the best lower-body movement—exercise choice, foot position, and advanced training techniques all allow you to emphasize one particular area of the legs over others. Don't risk doing a workout improperly! First off, it’s fun to swing a weight around. More and more gyms have sleds and performance turf inside; if yours does, you should take advantage. This is a great way to bear plenty of load to challenge the glutes and hamstrings, without having to fear excessive low back or spinal stress. Or simply follow a solid overall mass-building plan like the one listed under Goal 1. But a reverse lunge gets even more intense once you add a deficit by standing oni a plate or a slight platform. Sure, there are other variations of this exercise out there (more on that shortly)—but when you say the word "squat" to just about any lifter, they're probably going to assume you're talking about this one. You also get to focus on the all-important posterior chain, which includes your glutes and hamstrings, instead of relying so much on your quads and hips. Also, don't shortchange the depth of your knee bend—which should reach 90 degrees—by going too heavy—that also limits glute and hamstrings activation. This one’s a must-have in your leg day library. This content is imported from {embed-name}. Make sure that you work your way up with the load—think about pushing your butt back, rather than folding at the hips. The secret comes in the negative rep. Accentuating the eccentric by lowering yourself as slowly as possible to the ground taps into the strongest muscle fibers your hamstrings possess, and won’t fail to improve their strength. ), 4 sets, 6-8, 6-8, 8-10, 12 reps (Lighten the weight after your first 2 sets. View our enormous library of workout photos and see exactly how each exercise more exercises. Mass-building comes with a set of rules. Sure, there are other variations of this exercise out there (more on that shortly)—but when you... Front Squat. Simply doing more work with light weight for high reps isn't enough to get you lean. Consider this move your ultimate squat tutor. 4 Already have a Bodybuilding account with BodyFit? We may earn a commission through links on our site. Should you load it up with titanic amounts of weight and ego-lift? Lee Boyce is a Toronto-based personal trainer, college professor, and fitness writer. The last exercise, the Romanian deadlift, is considered a hamstring exercise, but it focuses on the upper region as well as the glutes, especially the glute-ham tie-in. If you decide to split your quad and ham workouts into two different days, separate them by at least 48 hours to ensure full recovery. This content is imported from YouTube. The idea here is to learn and practice movement patterns before loading them with heavier weights or graduating to more complex moves. Sign In. Or tack this workout onto the end of a quad/glute workout, occasionally even doing it prior. Here are some of our favorite leg exercises you can use to build a stronger, healthier lower body. While you tried to minimize hip flexion/extension in the quad-focused workout, here you want to maximize it. Your hamstrings have two key roles: They bend your knees, and they also help extend your hips (essentially aligning hips and torso). However, you can emphasize one area over another. With heavy partials, you're not going deep, so you can really overload the quads; put on up to 30 percent more weight than you normally use, but go only part of the way down. We’ll help you gain muscle, lose fat, and change your life! more exercises, + 4 sets, 6-8, 6-8, 8-10, 8-10 reps (Lighten the weight after your first 2 sets. Lunging backwards rather than forwards stabilizes the front knee. Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional prior to beginning any diet or exercise program or taking any dietary supplement. More importantly, it’s a joint-saving lift for lifters with their share of battle scars (think back, hip, and knee issues. Choose a weight that allows you to reach muscle failure by the target rep listed. If you want to be an athlete, you have to be strong not only when operating on two legs but also when operating on one. Be sure to descend fairly deep in all squatting motions; otherwise, you'll limit glute activation.