In the light of achieved data, biostimulants in similar level decreased the starch accumulation. Moore KK (2004) Using seaweed compost to grow bedding plants. Klarzynski O, Descamps V, Plesse B, Jean-Claude Yvin, Kloareg B, Fritig B (2003) Sulfated fucan oligosaccharides elicit defense, responses in tobacco and local and systemic resistance against, tobacco mosaic virus. regulation of senescence and abscission. Such a response indicates that seaweed, ). Food and, Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations, Rome. of sympodia (13.80) than control RD (12.40). In: Lembi CA, Waaland JR. (eds) Algae and human affairs. amounts of mineral nutrients, it has been applied widely as a other treatments. One of these substances seemed to be similar to, ). Plant Physiol 124:1027–1038. In: Guiry MD, Blunden G (eds) Seaweed resources in, Europe: uses and potential. Due to the development of human societies, food security has Seaweeds inoculation increased the organic matter content, clay-size fraction, and nutrients in the soil. In: Subcellular bio-. Seaweed components such as macro- and microel-, ). A conclusion can be drawn that in our experiments peat was found to be the most suitable substrate for production of Norway spruce seedlings. J Appl Phycol 18:351–359, van Loon LC, van Strien EA (1999) The families of pathogenesis-, related proteins, their activities, and comparative analysis of PR-, 1 type proteins. Mooney PA, van Staden J (1986) Algae and cytokinins. New Phytol 149:43–51. This study shows the efficiency of seaweeds as eco-friendly bioremediators for controlling soil pollution. )m(-2) and the hormone-containing substances, humic acid (HA) at 150 mg(. of cytokinins from the roots to the developing fruit, or, more likely, by improving the amount or synthesis of, endogenous fruit cytokinins (Hahn and others, Higher root cytokinin levels have also been found in sea-, weed extract-treated plants (Featonby-Smith, increase in cytokinin availability will eventually result in a, greater supply of cytokinins to the maturing, oping fruits and seeds demonstrated increased endogenous, It has been reported that the increased cytokinin, tration is associated with translocation of cytokinin from, roots to other plant parts (Stevens and Westwood, Seaweed extract increased fruit yield when sprayed on, tomato plants during the vegetative stage, producing large-, sized fruits (30% increase in fresh fruit weight over the, controls) with superior quality (Crouch and van Staden, increased (as much as 50% over the control) (van Staden, with SWC Kelpak immediately after transplanting (Ald-, enhanced harvestable yield in lettuce, whereas an increase, in the heart size of the florets and curd diameter was, larly, a substantial increase in yield was achieved in barley, Foliar application of seaweed liquid extract (Kelp, enhanced bean yield by 24% (Nelson and van Staden, wheat under potassium stress, although its application had, no significant effect on the plants receiving an adequate K, showed positive effects on the yield of ‘Thompson seed-, always outperformed (in terms of berries per bunch, berry, size, berry weight, rachis length, and the number, mary bunches per plant) the controls maintained under, regular crop management program, and resulted in. The hormone salicylic acid at 150 mg(. Biostimulants have recently been used in sustainable agriculture systems to improve plant growth and resilience to biotic and abiotic stress. )m(-1), were applied to plugs of kentucky bluegrass and then subjected to UV-B radiation (70 mumol(.)m(-2.)s(-1)). J Appl Phycol 5:231–234, Williams DC, Brain KR, Blunden G, Wildgoose PB, Jewers K (1981), Plant growth regulatory substances in commercial seaweed, extracts. Presence of ABA in seaweeds, has also been reported by others such Tietz and others, and betaine-like compounds (Blunden and others, plants, betaines serve as a compatible solute that alleviates. Plants protect themselves against pathogen, synthesizes halogenated furanones and enones that, Aphids and other sap-feeding insects gen-, [L.] O. Kuntze). In addition, application of the hormonal supplements increased AT concentration, SOD, catalase activity, and anthocyanin content when compared to the control at 10 days after UV-B initiation. Biosorption of soil heavy metals by seaweeds decreased the bioaccumulated concentrations of metals in radish plant roots and/or translocated to its shoots compared to control. J Jpn Soc Hortic Sci 68:321–326, Kuwada K, Utamura M, Matsushita I, Ishii T (2000) Effect of tangle, stock ground extracts on in vitro hyphal growth of vesicular-, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their in vivo infections of, citrus roots. treatments with three (3) replications laid out in Randomised Block Design. of the extract revealed the presence of indole compounds, Auxins have been detected in other algal species like. Kelpak 66 also had a similar effect on the yield of, ). J Appl Phycol 5:37–43, Crouch IJ, Beckett RP, van Staden J (1990) Effect of seaweed, concentrate on the growth and mineral nutrition of nutrient, stressed lettuce. In: Laskin AI, Lechevalier H (eds) Critical reviews in, microbiology. Seaweed products promote root growth and development, root-growth stimulatory effect was more pronounced when, extracts were applied at an early growth stage in maize, the response was similar to that of auxin, an important root-, growth-promoting hormone (Jeannin and others, SWC applications reduce transplant shock in seedlings of, marigold, cabbage (Aldworth and van Staden, size and vigor. Application of a lower concentration (20%) of SLE enhanced the percentage of seed germination, Arabidopsis thaliana plants treated with different A. nodosum extracts (1 g L-1 ) showed growth enhancement effects over the control plants 3 weeks after treatment, All figure content in this area was uploaded by Wajahatullah Khan, All content in this area was uploaded by Wajahatullah Khan, Seaweed Extracts as Biostimulants of Plant Growth, ded as an underutilized bioresource, many have been used, as a source of food, industrial raw materials, and in ther-. J Hortic Sci, Vernieri P, Borghesi E, Ferrante A, Magnani G (2005) Application of, biostimulants in floating system for improving rocket quality. The highest number and weight of grains were found when the plants of ‘Toska’ cultivar were single sprayed with 0.2% seaweed extract. Copyright © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Marine seaweed are a rich provenience of novel bioactive amalgam, with various applications. Reactive oxygen species inactivate enzymes and damage important cellular components. USDA For Serv Proc 33:72–79, Tietz A, Ruttkowski U, Kohler R, Kasprik W (1989) Further, investigations on the occurrence and the effects of abscisic acid, in algae. Controls included untreated cuttings. Taken together, our The total nitrogen content of the seed produced by seaweed-treated plants remained within the parameters laid down by the malting industry. seaweed such as Ascophyllum nodosum are cultivated and The biologically active components can stimulate various plant processes, as well as morphological and biochemical changes. growth stimulator for improving and accelerating crop growth Pest Sci 55:546–552, Distribution of cholesterol in Caribbean marine algae. Plant Growth Regul 30:241–246, upl KM, Dirnagl U (1995) Fucoidin, a polysaccharide, ) extract on antioxidant activities and drought tolerance, o G, Bedmar EJ (2001) Detection, purification and, F, Ham KS, Hahn MG, Bergmann CW, Biswas Das (eds) (1998), nchez-Perales M, Guadiola JL (2002) Effect of a seaweed, re J, Fischer AM (1995) Venous antithrombotic and, uncinata to water stress and salinity. However, the action of plant preparations affected positively higher soluble proteins and chlorophyll content. The results imply that the, enhanced leaf chlorophyll content of plants treated with, SWC might depend on betaines present in the extract, Plants sprayed with seaweed extracts also exhibit, enhanced salt and freezing tolerance (Mancuso and others, ) improved freezing tolerance in grapes. bioresource in sustainable agricultural systems. Finally, they stimulate as elicitors; the defense mechanisms of plants against aggressors and stress (cold, hail, drought). Planta 97: Burchett S, Fuller MP Jellings AJ (1998) Application of seaweed, extract improves winter hardiness of winter barley cv Igri. Investigations conducted so far have mainly been focused on the quantitative determination of growth promotion and crop yield increase after biostimulant application 75, • Designed and conducted in vitro root colonization experiments, to explore the effect of marine algal formulations from Ascophyllum nodosum on biotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana.