It is also one of the darling topics of interviewers and you will hear a lot of questions about an array in any coding interview , e.g. This is primarily done to ensure that data can be manipulated and accessed in an efficient manner. A graph is a data structure where a set of nodes is connected with edges. A minimum of two queues are required in this case, one for the data and the other to store the priority. What is the difference between a File Structure and a Data Structure? : Arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues. Microsoft’s most asked interview questions, Accenture’s most asked Interview Questions, Commonly Asked C Programming Interview Questions | Set 1, Commonly Asked C Programming Interview Questions | Set 2, Commonly asked DBMS interview questions | Set 1, Commonly Asked Operating Systems Interview Questions | Set 1, Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions, Commonly Asked Algorithm Interview Questions, Commonly Asked C++ Interview Questions | Set 1, Commonly Asked OOP Interview Questions | Set 1, Commonly Asked C++ Interview Questions | Set 2, Commonly Asked Java Programming Interview Questions | Set 2, Commonly asked JavaScript Interview Questions | Set 1, Commonly Asked C Programming Interview Questions | Set 3, Commonly asked Interview Questions for Front End Developers, Commonly Asked Questions in Goldman Sachs Interviews, Amazon’s most frequently asked interview questions | Set 2, 10 Most asked Questions from Java Programmers, MAQ Software most Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently asked questions for Java Developer Position from a fresher, Frequently Asked Questions regarding Placements, Structure Member Alignment, Padding and Data Packing, Design a Queue data structure to get minimum or maximum in O(1) time, Top 10 algorithms in Interview Questions | Set 2, JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers | Set 3, Analysis of Algorithms | Set 4 (Analysis of Loops), SQL | Join (Inner, Left, Right and Full Joins), Analysis of Algorithms | Set 2 (Worst, Average and Best Cases), Analysis of Algorithms | Set 3 (Asymptotic Notations), Write Interview Print Postorder traversal from given Inorder and Preorder traversals, Construct Tree from given Inorder and Preorder traversals, Construct a Binary Tree from Postorder and Inorder, Construct Full Binary Tree from given preorder and postorder traversals. These nodes have the capability to connect to other nodes and create a chain in the process. The time complexity for linear search is O(n), while it is O(log n) for binary search. It can be used both as a regular queue and as a stack. Check out our Data Structures Interview Questions and Answers video on YouTube designed especially for beginners: What are the types of searching used in Data Structures? It can be zero in a case where all of the nodes have a NULL value. Both push and pop operations denote how data can be stored and used when required in a stack. How are individual elements accessed in an array? Following are the two most important use cases of multi-linked data structures: Inorder traversal works in the following way: Postorder traversal works in the following way: Next up on these Data Structure interview questions for experienced, it is vital that you know some of the disadvantages of implementing queues as well. This is done until all of the elements are sorted. The main thing here is that the values of the nodes in the left sub-tree are less in number than the value of the root node, and the values of the nodes on the right of the root node are correspondingly higher than the root. What is Stack and where it can be used? Using concepts such as dynamic allocation ensures high efficiency and that the storage units can be supplied based on the requirements in real time. Next up on these Data Structure interview questions for freshers, you have to understand a commonly asked question. Data Structure is a way that defines, stores, and retrieves the data in a structural and systematic format. This means that the questions you might find in an interview can be challenging. Post-fix expressions are used in a scenario where every operator is preceded by its operands. Q8. Detect Loop in a Linked List Write a C function to detect loop in a linked list. Whereas, if a person is considering it based on retrieval strategies, then it can be considered linear.