For example, if they do want to hold your hand in the parking lot or they are about to touch something hot, you need to quickly and firmly say "no." Youngest is 14 and moans and complains constantly. But when one of her friends ask to she'll go with them instead. Child Who Never Wants to Do Anything. I think at 16 he should be going to cinema with friends, not with you. Shutterstock. At the begining of the holiday I found out about things going on in the local area and ideas of activities we could do in the house. Nothing can create more feelings of shame than to be rejected by your own child. I put it down to him being fed up with the holidays now, because he's normally eager to go out and do stuff. My step son is also 7, and he was the same the last time he came out to visit. Staying in lovely places. Action as in anything. Basically since I was a child she would leave me at home or with my friends/relatives and go out with her friends and party and stuff. Do they get much attention? Parents, who see one of their children hit the fan, often have a hard time appreciating this verse. Any day out I suggest he says sounds crap. We were just discussing it at dinner. Bribes undermine your parental authority as kids learn that they can get things from you by threatening bad behavior. Maybe try by telling him you are making television and computer time, only for certain times of the day, that any time out of these slots (whatever you think is appropriate) there will be NO tv and NO computer. If it's any consolation I was like that at the same age, by the time I had reached adulthood I was back to my usual self and started enjoying time with my parents again. My kisd are only three so I cant really relate to having a 7 year old. He's 16. To wonder if I should have questioned this? It is healthy to have your own things that you like and your own activities to do and for him to have his alone time or soccer practice on weekend mornings. After some digging, I found out that Lola had recently been home with the flu, where she got extra TLC from her mom and watched as much TV as she wanted. Eventually, your child will be asking to do another activity and that’s when you can start making things more involved. I put it down to him being fed up with the holidays now, because he's normally eager to go out and do stuff. You're skipping a very crucial step to enjoying sports - playing in your own yard. I have arranged a few meetings and outings this week...I am trying to prepare myself for the moaning. I just told DSS that he was coming out and he enjoyed himself once he was there. Several years ago, I worked at a military academy down in Florida. My DS might have moaned & fought but once they got over that they were fine. However I can see that it wouldnt be worth the hastle of taking him if he really doesnt want to go, but I suspect he would enjoy once he is there.? Bliss. This is a bit of a problem. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Being married to a narcissist, they would never have come. Can you give them a day to make a list of 10 things they each want to do. No fun for anyone, and immensely frustrating.What would happen if you asked them what they'd like to do? You’ve got yourself a 47-year-old bachelor. From when I found out and told him, the only contact I’ve had relating to him is a phone call from his sister telling me he wants nothing to do with his child and what’s worse, she accused me of cheating as she said ‘well how do we know it’s his?’ We do cheap stuff. A few years ago, a mom came to me because her daughter, Lola, was having tantrums and refusing to go to school. They lack the ability to empathize or … Since then I've not taken them on holiday anywhere. I love my parents and we have a great relationship now, but it must have been hard to love a stroppy teenager who "hated" them. I thought they were going to be younger...It's not you it's them...but they're normal - they're meant to be like that. Fix Yourself, Even if Your Child Never Comes Back. Should I feel guilty??? Are they ever happy or do they literally complain all the time? I am terrified of her reaching her teens. I will never holiday with mine again. Instead, acknowledge their feelings; this does not mean you have to grant them the physical demand. I just don't see the point. Last year I took him out to xscape and he caused a huge argument with me before we set off because he couldn't be arsed to get ready. I'm just remembering myself at that age, and how I just wasn't interested in spending time with my parents. Traveling like that might be more suitable for young adults? I have 2 children to entertain this holiday-as well as keeping myself from going insane-lol! If he wants to sleep with you, he’ll sleep with you. Doesn't want to go anywhere, moans a lot, is bored by everything whatever we suggest. If you bribe your child to do their homework or to do anything else that is an expected responsibility, then your child will come to expect something extra just for behaving appropriately. If everybody's happy with the current situation, it might make more sense to wait until the child is older, as the information would probably be pretty inconsequential to her at this age. I think you have to be cruel to be kind here as its really not good for him to be so dependant on these things, and if you dont nip it in the bud now then it will just get worst the older he gets. My 3 year old boy says he wants to be a girl, 6 year old wants to live with dad and new family, urgenty advice 7 year old daughter says she wants to kill herself. Plus I'm 19, I don't think they'd do anything anyway. But this really shouldnt make up the bulk of his day, and at 7 he really shouldnt want it to, all the seven year olds I know are nagging to go out and do things.