Many of the perennials in the RainyDayGarden also generate a lot of seeds. This is what we did this year with the iris pods. Iris Bloudowii Seeds Starting at: USD2.20 Iris bloudowii has very pretty, dark yellow blossoms with violet veins, 5 cm in diameter, from early Spring to late Autumn. Although it's possible to start iris seeds directly in the garden bed, it can take 18 years after planting for them to germinate. For best results, plant iris seeds in fall, winter and the early months of spring, according to the Tucson Area Iris … First, you need to find an object you wish to electroform. You may get one, or no, or many, pods per clump of iris. Preparing and planting indoors greatly speeds up the process. Every once in a while, though, we collect some just to hone our seed-propagating skills. Most of the time, we just let the birds have at them. The possibilities are almost endless, from shells, fabric, wax, clay, plastic, paper, seeds and pods, etc. For this project, I have selected an iris seed pod … The pods will take a few months on the plant to fully ripen and dry. Be creative! We had hundreds of iris … An iris seed pod is first a green bulgy thing where once was a flower.