Hazardous Goods Witcher Wannabe Looters (III)* The Truth is in the Stars Blood Ties Secondary Quests: Velen: Spitfire Bluffs (2) Questing Decisions Lynch Mob Love's Cruel Snares? Hazardous Goods: Side Quest: Ghost of the Past: Velen: 54. I saved Gert Borel and burned his cart to complete the quest. Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Is Hazardous Goods Missable or Failable? Burn the cart with your Igni skill and continue on your way. My understanding is you are supposed to find Gert again by his hut. Hazardous Goods is a short secondary quest available in Velen. Reward(s) ... Pest Man Wish (Sequel to Hazarious Goods) Event: Velen: East of Reardon Manor wandering around a remote house. Hazardous Goods. Gosu Noob Copyright © 2012-2020 All Rights Reserved. Sometimes after one chooses to kill Gert, an alive version of him will spawn near the dead body, preventing you from setting fire to it. Hazardous Goods is a secondary quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. I start riding off into the distance and about 1 minute later new notification. If you find yourself near Lanka Estate, on the trail above the southern river bank, you can chance upon some ghouls attacking a man and his cart. Your email address will not be published. Other side quests and contracts are independent of act so are listed separately. Description Witcher 3's Velen area, also named No Man's Land. This quest will not be available during and after the quest Ghosts of the Past. Map(s) 49. Witcher 3 Quest List (Copy) Share. Sign in. Chest, Container. Get rid off them, and decide to burn the corpses or leave villager. Required fields are marked *, Before we proceed with the review, we must…, Another year, another Call of Duty. All good here. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt > General Discussions > Topic Details. How to Unlock Hazardous Goods. Ghosts of the Past (if started, must be completed before continuing) Quest Starter. Secondary quest Hazardous Goods¶ This event can be fairly random where it’ll occur, but in the guide playthrough it was encountered here, so this is where it’ll be included. The game is divided into a prologue and 3 acts. The table below has a list of quests in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Sometimes articles on our website are a team effort. BigBizkit: To start this off, let me ask you, wiggolp, about your mod adding a completely new quest to the game - Ciri’s Sole Memento. gold?? Northwest of LurtchBetween Reardon Manor and Benek 5 years ago I killed him as well. Hazardous Goods begins when you meet a man trapped under a cart on the road between Lindenvale and Lurtch. # Hazardous Goods + Last Rites + Love's Cruel Snares # Lynch Mob *! Question on Hazardous Goods Quest. Hidden Treasure A hidden cache of valuable goods. Despite him giving you coin in the dialogue if you choose to kill him, no coin is actually added to one's inventory. Witcher Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 3 - Ghosts of the Past: Reardon Manor Lindenvale 6 - Gwent Quest: Velen Players: Benek Midcopse Oreton Crow's Perch N/A - Harassing a Troll Far north and west of Inn at the Crossroads N/A - Hazardous Goods: Northwest of Lurtch Between Reardon Manor and Benek 4 - Highway Robbery Between Crow's Perch and Boatmakers' Hut N/A - Hazardous Goods, Witcher Wannabe, Blood Ties, Lynch Mob, Loves Cruel Snares Secondary quests guide. Hazardous Goods Bandit Camp A group of dangerous bandits has made camp here.. Dungeon. Hazardous Goods. Funeral Pyres: Side Quest: 3: 57: Important: if the first part of the quest isn't completed by the time Ghosts of the Past is started, it will not be available until after Ghosts of the Past is finished. The Truth is in the Stars: Side Quest: Velen: 55. Didki ... Jul 16, 2015 @ 5:16pm Hazardous Goods, A bugged out quest. Hazardous Goods, quest walkthrough and hints. Notice Board Here you can find monsters contracts and announcements about matters of local concern.. Signpost. Hep the trapped man. "On one of Velen's muddy roads Geralt came across an unfortunate soul trapped under his cart. items After sixteen…, With the launch of Cyberpunk 2077 (for real,…, The launch of Immortals Fenyx Rising is right…. Magic Lamp (can be missed by refusing to help Keira at the end of "Wandering in the Dark" main quest) ... Witcher 3 Quests List Google Doc I have the feeling this is fairly complete but we may still be missing some quests so feel free to comment. You can either choose to kill him or not, as there are no repercussions for either choice. This page was last edited on 21 July 2015, at 19:56. After completing the Hazardous Goods quest and speaking to the dude again i get the quest updated and quest completed notifications. Hazardous Goods Quest - Failed after exploring. Eventually you'll bump into Gert Borel, a humble man with a … Following contains quest spoilers. Enemies. The main quest progresses the act and certain side quests become available as this progression happens. Kill the ghouls, then approach and talk to the man about his cart that is loaded with corpses. Enemies Proximity sensitive:once the quest appears in your logs, don't travel too far away, otherwise it'll fail. The Heroes' Pursuits: For the Goddess' Glory! All content, including text, images and other media, provided on this site are owned by GNUB D.O.O. The man had had an accident while hauling corpses of plague victims. Getting near the man will start the quest. Location. As with the previous fight, the battle will take place over two phases, with the first phase consisting primarily of melee combat, whilst the second has … A man is … Help the man burn the bodies. Walkthrough for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, following our recommended Game Progress Route. Type However, as the quest concludes after killing him here, you don't need to burn the body. While the quest will finish here, no matter what you told him, several weeks later you can find Gert between Reardon Manor and Benek, between several Nekker nests. The man had had an accident while hauling corpses of plague victims.The witcher decided to help him." or affiliated Trademarks and protected by international copyright laws unless otherwise noted. This is the final boss fight of the game and as such is suitably challenging. This quest can’t be completed while the Ghosts of the Past quest is active. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Act 3 Walkthrough (Continued) Boss: Eredin. Hazardous Goods is a Quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. When you arrive at the scene you’ll see a cart full of dead plague victims with Ghouls running around. Cutoff Point So I fired my game back up and this was another random hidden quest I had missed along with helping Boris the Troll. Part 2 Straying away too far from him and the cart will fail the quest. He'll then point out this is how he makes his living: carting away the bodies of plague victims as he's adamant he won't catch it as he never gets ill. You can then depart now, or convince him he needs to burn the cart and the bodies.