The underside is eveny barred and pale. The Snipe has a stripy face and the Woodcock has a striped crown. The other day I saw this bird, I knew it was either a woodcock or common snipe, but of course I didn't have a field with me at the time so I couldn't know for sure (Murphy's law I guess:-() I saw it in the woods with a marsh nearby. You are here. ... Jack Snipe: Medium, stocky sandpiper, mottled brown upperparts, paler underparts. I don't remember what sound it made. Similar looking birds to American Woodcock: Wilson's Snipe Adult, Killdeer Adult Similar Species to American Woodcock, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology Photos comparing this bird species with similar or confusing species, including captions that point out … Cheers. The are normally a very difficult bird to see because of the colouration. The Snipe has a zig zag flight and has pointed wings. It has an angular head and a long straight thick based bill. Wilson's and the Common Snipe were previously considered to be one species. Identify birds in North America for bird watching or as a bird guide. Hunting » What to Hunt » Migratory Game Birds » Common Snipe & Woodcock Hunting. Common Snipe Essentially a nocturnal woodland bird, the Woodcock is usually only seen in the daytime when accidentally flushed. The Woodcock eyes are set far back on the head, it has bold black bars on the back of the head. Pipit The snipes and their relative Eurasian Woodcock are enigmatic birds. They are also birds of conservation concern so every encounter is one to be treasured. It has a rich chestnut tone and when seen well is actually delightfully cryptically pattered. Easy to tell them apart on the ground. The woodcock has more rounded wings and I think a shorter tail. Common Snipes usually have 7 pairs of tail feathers while Wilson Snipes have 8 pairs. ... American Woodcock: Medium, stocky sandpiper with buff-brown underparts and dark-streaked gray-brown upperparts. American Woodcock and Wilson's Snipe have similar body structure, but are quite different in markings. Snipe vs Woodcock In dezelfde familie, Scolopacidae, beide vogels, snipes en houtsnippen lijken op elkaar, maar de verschillen zijn er nog steeds om een beter begrip over hen te verklaren. Diversiteit, gedrag, distributie en enkele interessante kenmerken zouden een beter platform bieden om de verschillen tussen deze twee interessante vogels met veel meer betekenis te bespreken. It then looks heavy like a pigeon, rather than skinny like a Snipe (albeit a pigeon with a very long bill). They are cryptically and beautifully patterned and exhibit very distinctive behaviour, but their skulking habits and often nocturnal lifestyles can make them hard to see well. The Snipe … Common Snipe & Woodcock Hunting Similar to: Common Snipe.