Avoid cuttings with a diameter greater than 1/4-inch and those with hardened bark at the base. Poke a planting hole in the prepared rooting pot. Stem cuttings taken from trees that do not have enough moisture in their systems will not root as well as cuttings taken from recently watered plants. Oriental persimmons grow to heights of 20 to 30 feet, producing larger, oblong-shaped fruit with glossy, orange skin. The cheapest (and probably least problematic) method of growing persimmons is to gather seeds from wild trees and sprout them right where you want your own persimmon to grow. Feel if it is affixed to the sand mixture by roots. Water the persimmon tree one to two days before taking the stem cutting. Step 2. Prepare a rooting pot before gathering the cuttings so they can be potted quickly after harvest. The trees grow best within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 to 10, where they will achieve a mature height of approximately 25 feet with an upright, deciduous canopy. Grow it under light shade during the summer with 2 inches of water per week. According to North Carolina State University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, there is no perfect rooting medium. Thoroughly clean and sterilize the pruning shears or knife used to take the cutting to minimize the risk of introducing any fungi or bacteria to the persimmon tree. Some of the most important considerations in choosing a rooting medium include sterility, drainage and aeration -- essential elements for root formation without introducing disease or soggy conditions. Examples of rooting mediums include perlite, sand, peat mixtures and vermiculite. This can help stimulate rooting, enhancing the stem's ability to absorb water and rooting chemicals. Place it in a 4- to 8-inch pot with potting soil. Let the mixture drain for 10 minutes while gathering the persimmon cutting. While persimmons can be grown from seed, the resulting plant will not be identical to its parent. Use sharp pruning shears or a clean sharp knife to cut a 5- to 6-inch stem from the persimmon tree in autumn, before the first frost. There are two types of persimmons: Native persimmons (Diospyros virginiana) grow to heights of 30 to 40 feet and produce round, plum-sized fruit. The best quality, however, comes from grafted or budded trees. Dip the severed end of the persimmon cutting in the rooting hormone. Make the cut straight across rather than angled. Choose one with a pliant green stem and plenty of young leaves at the tip. They are seen in the wild in the Northeast, Northwest and Midwest states. Fill a 6-inch plastic pot with a mix of half perlite and half coarse sand. Check the moisture level in the sand mixture each time you mist. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Measure out 1 tablespoon of 0.1-percent IBA (indolebutyric acid) rooting hormone talc and spread it on a sheet of paper. Water thoroughly and maintain even moisture levels. This can help … The main type of persimmon grown in California is the Oriental persimmon (Diospyros kaki). Make the hole deep enough to hold the bottom half of the persimmon cutting. Warm the bottom of the pot with a propagation mat set to 75 F. Close the ventilation on the cold frame at night and whenever daytime temperatures fall below 60 F. Mist the persimmon cutting with water twice daily to keep the leaves hydrated. Poke a hole in the center of the rooting medium before placing the persimmon stem into the container. Samantha McMullen began writing professionally in 2001. Propagating them from stem cuttings will give you a clone of the parent tree. In general, the cuttings should be taken from firm, semi-hardwood or hardwood stems since softwood dries out much faster and may not perform well during the rooting process. I've had mixed success with sprouting persimmon seeds, but I now know that if you use a couple of tricks, your persimmons will germinate quite well. Step 3. However, they will also propagate reliably from softwood cuttings if the cuttings are treated with hormone and kept under moderately humid, warm conditions. How to Grow Persimmon Trees. Transplant the persimmon cutting into a 10-inch container filled with mildly acidic potting soil one month after rooting. Once it can tolerate full sunlight and has strong roots, the young persimmon plant can be planted in its permanent location in the garden. Sever the persimmon cutting 1/8-inch below a leaf node using sharp, clean shears. Insert the hormone-treated end of the cutting into the planting hole and press the moistened sand mixture firmly against the stem. Add water to the mixture until the sand is saturated and the water trickles from the base of the pot. Persimmons grow well in many areas where deciduous trees are common. Make persimmon cuttings in mid spring after new leaf and twig growth emerges on the tips of the branches. Young seedlings that are one to two years in age can be transplanted to an orchard. Take the persimmon cuttings from young stems in late fall. Pull off and discard all of the leaves from along the bottom half of the cutting. Persimmons are most commonly propagated from seeds and grafts. Trees are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 7 through 10. Gradually move the plant into the sunlight. benbayphoto / Flickr / CC BY 2.0 How to Grow Persimmon Trees . Place the plants under a fluorescent or incandescent light bulb for two to four hours every night to supplement the light they receive during the day. Water the cutting thoroughly and cover it with clear or translucent material. Transplant the persimmon cutting after it has developed roots. Her nearly 20 years of experience in horticulture informs her work, which has appeared in publications such as Mother Earth News. Do not let it dry out completely. In the 1915 USDA native persimmon bulletin I made into an ebook , there's a couple of paragraphs on how to propagate Diospyros virginiana by root cuttings. Place the potted persimmon cutting inside a lightly shaded, ventilated cold frame. How to Grow Japanese Bloodgood From Cutting, Starting the Cuttings From Lonicera Sempervirens, California Polytechnic State University; Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute; Japanese Persimmon, Texas A & M University Department of Horticulture: Propagation Methods and Rootstocks for Fruit and Nut Species, North Carolina State University; Horticulture Information Leaflets; Plant Propagation by Stem Cuttings--Instructions for the Home Gardener, How to Grow a Sweet Tea Olive Tree From Cuttings. Cut the base of the stem, placing a 1- or 2-inch vertical cut on each side of the stem.