Small island developing States were important constituents of the Council in their own right, irrespective of their sizes, economic influence, political clout or military strength. COVID-19 has changed behaviour throughout the world and social distancing has been the key driver. Facing a future whose only certainty is change, small island developing states are confronted with many problems and difficulties – some intrinsic and timeless, others extrinsic and new – in making progress towards sustainable living and sustainable development. The UK, working with Fiji and Belize, has brought together Small Island Developing States (SIDS) from the Caribbean, Pacific and other regions in a high-level virtual rou The Small Island Developing States Global Business Network (SIDS-GBN) is an online platform and resource hub to share best practices and lessons learned. Grange calls for priority treatment for small island developing states. Despite their heterogeneity, small island developing states (SIDS) are recognized as being particularly at risk to climate change, and, as they share numerous common traits, the United Nations recognizes them as a special group. Small island developing States in the international arena The unique situation of small island developing States (SIDS) was acknowledged at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. 2005] Small Island Developing States and International Trade Economies (‘WPSE’)5 and relevant aspects of the follow-up to the Barbados Programme of Action. Situated in the Caribbean, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans as well as the Indian Ocean and South China Sea, they are bearing the brunt of an increasingly extreme and unpredictable global climate. The Small Island Developing States (SIDS) together bear next to no responsibility for climate change, but their geographical, socioeconomic and climate profiles make them particularly vulnerable to its impacts. With international travel severely restricted this year as well as global supply chains disrupted, economic contractions of up to 15 percent are predicted. A lack of international support for research and innovation in small island developing states (SIDS) is holding back development agendas, government ministers from Mauritius and the Seychelles have told SciDev.Net. Documents. Box 1. The complexity and magnitude of these challenges are far too great for any one agency, organization or country to solve on their own. This rapid literature review explores whether there are specific characteristics of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), or a subgroup of SIDS, which mean that income alone is an inaccurate measure of development. Economic growth, human development and vulnerability indicators point to specific challenges facing SIDS, and suggest that new development solutions and approaches are needed to chart the course to prosperity for their people and their environments. … This partnership strategy seeks to deepen the relationships between Ireland and other island states, especially Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Many share sustainable development challenges such as rapidly growing populations, limited resources, and fragile environments. Related link: Coronavirus (COVID-19) … Share knowledge, build connections and spread innovation on climate action, blue economy, digital transformation and innovative financing for development. Taking Stock, Looking Forward. The Small Island Developing States involves fifty two countries and or territories among which thirty eight of these countries are member states of the United Nations and the rest being non-member states and non-self-governing, non-independent territories that are associate member of the United Nations regional commissions. Many of these countries are only a few metres above sea level, leaving them vulnerable to and disproportionately affected by climate change-driven shocks and hazards. SIDS Partnership Framework. Statements. The Small Island Developing States share vulnerabilities that result in a complex set of food security and nutrition challenges. As a small island, Ireland recognises the challenges which similar islands face. Both governments plan to highlight the issue at the upcoming UN summit in Apia, Samoa, (1-4 September), the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing… The COVID-19 pandemic has turned Small Island Developing States (SIDS) economies and livelihoods on end. Small Island Developing States don’t need to be told that climate change is real – they’re already seeing the impact. FAO; Posted 22 … List of SIDS. As the UN specialized agency for Tourism, UNWTO played a significant role at the United Nations Conference on Small Islands Developing States, held in Apia, Samoa, from 1 to 4 September 2014.. II SMALL ISLAND DEVELOPING STATES According to the UN, there are 51 SIDS in the world.6 Although the exact figures will vary depending on the measures used, by any calculation they make Small island developing states (SIDS) and ICTs 1 1 Introduction The United Nations recognizes small island developing states (SIDS) as a distinctive grouping. Rising Up for SIDS. 2015 Small States Forum: Opportunities and Challenges for Small States to Finance Sustainable Development in the Post 2015 Development Landscape; 2014 Small States Forum: The Private Sector as an Engine of Growth and Service Delivery; 2014 High Level Dialogue on Advancing Sustainable Development in Small Island Developing States The United Nations Conference on Small Islands Developing States. Governments agreed that concerted action was needed to address development for the sake of future generations. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) stand at a critical juncture on their paths to sustainable development. “The need for infrastructure financing is even more urgent as SIDS suffer deep economic and financial shocks due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis,” said Ms. Fekitamoeloa Katoa ‘Utoikamanu, High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (OHRLLS). The SIDS classification is a technical and political term used to identify those countries that are considered to face specific and increasing challenges […] Some of the shared development challenges they confront include: Limited resources ; Sensitive natural environments; Vulnerability to climate change Small island developing States (SIDS) are a diverse group of island countries that share some common features and vulnerabilities such as insularity, geographic remoteness, and smallness of economies, populations and area. Small Island Developing States, COVID-19 and Digital Technology . Today, in accordance with the 2014 SAMOA Pathway and the 2016 Nairobi … Engage with the community to help Small Island Developing States accelerate action towards the SDGs and SAMOA Pathway!