by means of a publicly elected and responsible ombudsman. RISK PERCEPTION: PERSONAL RISK Now, I would like to ask you how likely you think it is that you will develop or contract these diseases yourself in the next year. While risk behavior has been studied intensely and a large number of risk perception studies are available , far less research exists regarding people's mind-sets towards risk- taking, i.e., risk attitudes, such as, risk propensity and risk aversion. Risk Perception, Risk Communication, and Risk Management . Goal . well-trained analysts perceive security risk, understand the impact of various vulnerabilities, and mitigate threats. This chapter considers the social science of risk, that is, how society responds to risk. Source:Perception of Risk,P.Slovic,Science,1987,vol.236,pp.280–285 18/42 Dread risk Unknown risk Laypeople’sperceptionof riskinessishighlycorrelated tothefactordread. If trust is to be established in a country or community where it is quite low some kind of politically regulated public influence on decision making and risk monitoring is probably needed, e.g. One is the descriptive perspective Anticipatory Anxiety and Risk Perception 555 before, and the second occasion (T2) was a day before the examination. This societal response is typically viewed from three perspectives. . I will name a disease and would like to know if you think you are likely or unlikely to get this disease in the next year. Studies of risk perception examine the judgements people make when they are asked to characterize and evaluate hazardous activities and technologies. Patrick L. Gurian . Thehighertherisktopicis judgedonthisfactor,the higheritsperceivedriskand themorepeoplewanttosee itscurrentlevelreducedand regulated. The conditions for risk assessment, and common-sense cognitive dynamics, are better explanations of risk perception. Risk perception refers to people's subjective judgement about the risk that is associated with some situation, event, activity, or technology. One important example of biased risk assessment refers to people's tendency to overestimate small frequencies and to underestimate larger ones when judging the frequency of various dangers. When systems are composed of multiple machines, configurations, and software components that interact with each other, risk perception must account for the composition of security requirements. Drexel University . Stu- dents in the E group were also asked to complete the questionnaire a third time, I week after the examination, but before results were known (T3).