Austria Walking Holidays Salzburg & St. Jacob's Way - the Pilgrim Route . Day 1: Arrival in Burgos - capital of Castille with splendid Gothic Cathedral and Santiago chapel and many important buildings. 14 days - 13 nights - 9 days walk. The principal pilgrim route ran between Winchester and Canterbury, much of which is now busy with traffic and therefore is no longer a viable walking route. I had been planning to walk The Pilgrim’s Way for 17 years, ever since I lived in Surrey … From boundary mark to boundary mark through the foothills of the Alps you walk on Salzburg’s Jacob’s Trail (St. James's Way), Rupert’s Winkl and past high mountains into the Alps. More details on the Camino walking holiday . Looking for a walking holiday in Kent, North Downs & Pilgrim's Way? A magical thousand-year old route. Our self guided walking tours in Kent, North Downs & Pilgrim's Way are ideal for everyone, from first time trekkers to hardy hikers. Worshippers of all things outdoors will love pilgrimage walks too with the Kumano Kodo Trail in Japan or The Pilgrims Way in Kent providing just a couple of examples to help get your search started on the right foot. Walking The Pilgrims Way from Rochester to Canterbury – Kim Mears . All of our walks can be tailored to suit you, for help or information please get in touch. Nonetheless, our route, a section of the North Downs Way, does coincide with some of the places that Chaucer's pilgrims visited and parts of the Pilgrims Path marked on maps. This small town was built by the Romans and was an important place for pilgrims in former times - with several hospitals for pilgrims. However, this form of walking route isn't only for the pilgrims. Day 2: Visit of Burgos and transfer to Castrojeriz.