If you have unexplained symptoms of pain and weakness please don’t hesitate to call us at Burkhardt Physical Therapy Center with questions. Initial Function: Symptoms interfered or affected to a significant degree with work, sleep, daily routine, recreational and social activities. She reported neck pain and dizziness were was not bothering her anymore after first visit. This case study emphasizes the importance of getting treatment as early as possible. Onset and History: 33 year old male with sudden flare up of bilateral calf tightness and pain which began August 2015. Diagnosis She reported feeling significantly better even after the first session. This patient responded very well to a team approach including a Physical Therapist and a Physical Therapist Assistant at Burkhardt Physical Therapy Center, LLC. He continues to tolerate riding in a vehicle for long periods ( up to five hours) and watching movies with little to no symptoms. This 28 year old female complained of left lower back pain which was constant and aching. A case study of a 38 year old female who sustained a 2 n d degree ankle sprain is treated with traditional physical therapy applications of ice, ultrasound and exercise for a duration of 2 months with some … Physiopedia is not a substitute for professional advice or expert medical services from a qualified healthcare provider. Reports with significant pain and difficulty with any amount of walking, sitting, standing, outdoor work, vacuuming, housework, shopping, bending, lying down, reaching, lifting, carrying, overhead activities, dressing, driving, computer work, and reading. She used a wheel chair and walker for mobility. On 8-29-14 the patient reported that prior to beginning physical therapy and depending on the day she had 7-8/10 pain. In evidence-based hierarchy, case studies come in the in the fifth level. Strain Counterstrain screening indicated neuromuscular dysfunction of the fascial structures of the visceral, venous-lymphatic, arterial, neural, dural, cranial, and musculoskeletal systems. protective phase, mobility phase, etc. Neck and upper back pain with frequent headaches. This patient responded very well to a team approach including a physical therapist and a physical therapist assistant at Burkhardt Physical Therapy Center, LLC. Initial Function Initial Function: Her symptoms interfered and affected her work, sleep, daily routine, recreational activities, social activities, sitting, outdoor work, vacuuming, housework, bending her neck to look down, lying down, reaching, lifting, carrying, overhead activities, dressing, and driving. Her main functional concern was that she was unable to pick up her 3 year old daughter without significant aggravation of symptoms. This patient not only had significantly reduced pain (1/10 pain rating at the worst) but improved sleep and daily functioning. Feet and ankle X-rays- Normal. He rated his best pain at a 7/10 and a worst pain at a 10/10 on the pain scale. Functional Training to Return to Higher Level Activities after Brown Sequard Syndrome: A Case Report, Jon Anders. She was able to stand on her left leg without pain or losing her balance. His level of success was due to the comprehensive care he received at Burkhardt Physical Therapy Center. The combination of Fascial Strain Counterstrain, Therapeutic Exercise, Joint Mobilization, Myofascial Release, and Patient Education all played a role in helping this patient become well. Symptoms began 7-8 years ago for this 71 year old male. Symptoms PTJ publishes case reports about potentially transformational interventions of a clinical, educational, or administrative nature. Thanks to all of you who helped me to relieve my pain. That is the longest I’ve gone without a restless leg syndrome episode in more than a year (and probably much longer)”. I get a headache occasionally but it is not as bad. Authors – Include name, degree and institutional affiliation.The authors included should be those who contribute significantly to the intellectual content of the case Symptoms: The patient’s symptoms included daily headaches; lower back pain; jaw tightness, clicking, and snapping. Fascial Counterstrain screening indicated she was positive for neuromuscular dysfunction in the nervous, visceral, venous-lymphatic, arterial, dural, and periosteal fascial systems. Burkhardt Physical Therapy Center strives to offer leading edge outpatient orthopedic services, patient education, and wellness to the Coulee Region in the health focus areas of spinal care, headaches, chronic pain, and musculoskeletal injuries, sport injuries, and dysfunctions. Discharge status On 3-27-14 the patient reported that prior to beginning physical therapy at Burkhardt Physical Therapy Center, “I had a lot of upper trap and neck pain varying from a 5/10 to 8/10 every day. Word count. Pain started with worsening shoulder pain and restriction, and then worsening hip pain and restriction. References will automatically be added here, see adding references tutorial. She was able to perform all upper body activities and movements with minimal to no aggravation of symptoms. WE CAN HELP! She was unable to open her mouth to a normal range. Other symptoms included exhaustion, poor memory, and poor balance. Tuesday: 7:30am - 5:00pm
The next sessions focused on decreasing remaining dysfunction through Strain Counterstrain(SCS) of the lower extremities, viscera, dura, nervous, and lymphatic systems; Myofascial Release Techniques to the neck, shoulders, back, abdomen and lower extremities; Joint Mobilizations to the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine including gentle traction/decompression at L5-S1; Periosteal SCS techniques to the bilateral lower extremities; Kinesio taping to the bilateral heel cord; Therapeutic Exercise including self spinal mobilization, inner core re-training, gentle stretching for spinal elongation, and Strain Counter Strain positioning for self-management of symptoms. Symptoms: Prior to coming to Burkhardt Physical Therapy Center, LLC the patient had constant pain in the left side of face, jaw, eye area, forehead, cheek bone and into nose and sinuses. First treatment: Fascial Counterstrain was performed to the right lymphatic system and Kinesio taping was applied to the bilateral neck and upper shoulders. Symptoms interfered and affected his sleep to a severe degree. She also had right shoulder, shoulder blade , mid back tightness and pain that traveled up to her right occiput, forehead and eye.
Because this patient was able to receive comprehensive treatment including Muscle Energy Technique within a month after onset of symptoms she was able to decrease her pain significantly, improve function, and return to Yoga classes. That is usually the journal article where the information was first stated. At the time of discharge, the patient reported how her symptoms have changed since beginning physical therapy at Burkhardt Physical Therapy Center, LLC. He had bilateral legpain and sometimes a queasy feeling like bugs crawling in the skin. Trunk side bending and rotation to the left was also bothersome. Previous Treatment On 9-25-14 the patient reported, after two intramuscular trigger point release treatments, “I feel better than I have in a year and a half! Conclusion: Patient met all of his goals, he is even playing basketball without pain after only 4 sessions of physical therapy. Case report writing in a Doctor of Physical Therapy Education program: A case study ... but there are few examples of the teaching and learning activities used to prepare students to write a case report. She woke up 7-8 times per night due to pain. Pain scale: best in the past week 5/10, worst in the past week 9/10. Initial Evaluation (4-15-15) When we asked her what else we could do to better serve her she stated, “Nothing. Satisfaction survey- patient comments- Clearly, not all case reports or case series will lead to studies with higher levels of research evidence or actually change clinical practice, as was true with the example presented here. Prior to her injury she was very active without restrictions- running, etc. She was very exhausted from her normal routine and work activities. Run 4. “The car ride from La Crosse to West Salem was almost unbearable.”. 59 year old female with left lower back, hip, and buttock pain that came on with unknown reason or injury. It would generally be regarded as excessive and inappropriate to thank others, such as teachers or colleagues who did not directly participate in preparation of the paper. He went through several tests at local medical center without significant results or findings to determine a treatable diagnosis. She was instructed to continue her home exercise program to progress strength and stability of her ankles, knees, hips, and core to prevent future injury.