M: 027 249 6905 E: davyrednek@gmail.com W: kylemoreperendales.co.nzMitchell P & C 595 Yorke Road, Progress Valley, RD 1, Tokanui 9884. M: 021 0228 4369 E: hillcrest@farmside.co.nz Richardson AG 539 Shanks Rd, Heriot, RD 2, Tapanui 9587. M: 027 635 0180 E: mararoadowns@gmail.com Wilson PJ 55 Hokonui Drive, Gore 9710. M: 027 207 2882 E: pippijwilson@hotmail.com, © Copyright 2020 PERENDALE SHEEP SOCIETY of NEW ZEALAND. M: 027 919 7150 E: otapawa_md@xtra.co.nzTe Awaiti Station C/- D Riddiford, Te Awaiti Station, RD 2, Martinborough . M: 021 222 9181 E: flocktonstud@xtra.co.nz M: 027 481 6924 E: terohenga@xtra.co.nzGriffin P 289 Inglis Road, RD 3, Pahiatua 4983. M 027 962 9777 E: joyandwayne@hotmail.co.nz Jury CR 591 Otaraoa Road, No 43 RD, Waitara 4383. P: 03 318 6939 E: snowdon.station@xtra.co.nz, Awakiki Ridges Ltd H & M Gardner, 365 Puerua Valley, RD3 Balclutha 9273. P rogeny Trials - 9 yearsE mphasis placed on Meat and WoolR eproductive Rate continues to climbE we LongevityN ew ZealandD ual Purpose SheepA ccelerated Lamb Growth and Meat YieldL eading Edge - Proven PerformanceE nquiries always welcome. P: 06 864 4468 E: sean@brosy.nz W: resurgamangus.comHarding JA 69 Leith Road, RD 2, Woodville 4998. M: 027 242 9376 E: mcelrea@farmside.co.nz Newhaven Farms D&R Ruddenklau, B&J Smith, 61 Turnbulls Rd, RD14C, Oamaru 9491. For anyone wanting to stabilise high production at around 150%–160% lambing, this is an ideal Composite. Perendale breeders are running a national progeny trial, measuring meat yields, meat quality and disease resilience, primarily in facial eczema, a problem in the North Island… 19042017-NZF Perendale ewes and lambs at Waikato's Awaroa Perendales stud are genetic weapons in the fight against lethal facial eczema. Get specialist ram advice for high performance commercial and stud stock. At Piquet Hill we have bred a Composite ram of 1/2 Romney/Perendale/Finn/Texel. Contact Russell Proffit - M: 027 355 2927 E: rnmwproffit@xtra.co.nz; DECEMBER 2020 - North Island Ram Fair, Feilding 2021. TUESDAY 19 JANUARY 2021 - South Island Stud Ram Fair, 10.30am, Gore Showgrounds (Please Note new start time for auctuon) Whilst our Perendale stud is performance driven, with emphasis on survival and meat yields, 30 years of on hand ram breeding and marketing has reinforced to me the importance of structure in an animal. M: 021 221 4185 E: ken.dolomite@gmail.com W: perendale.co.nz Evans IN & JM Bluff Farm, 442 Ashley Gorge Rd, Glentui, Oxford 7495. M: 027 220 2672 E: avalon@yrless.co.nz, Ayers W 413 Waiarikiki-Mimihau Rd, RD 2, Wyndham 9892 M: 027 226 4290 E: warrenayers8@gmail.com Christie Wilson P/s P Christie and J Wilson, 41 Millane Road, RD 1, Gore 9771. F1 PERENDALE P: 06 762 5880 E: glenochy.farm@outlook.comRaupuha Stud R & M Proffitt, 2033 State Highway 3, RD, Mahoenui, Te Kuiti 3978. P: 06 838 7398 E: waikohe@gmail.comRangiora Trust C/- GL & S Maxwell, PO Box 23, Tutira 4162. About Perendale Sheep Perendale sheep are common in New Zealand, where they originated, but are uncommon in North America. M: 021 222 9181 E: flocktonstud@xtra.co.nz Gallagher B C Rangiatea, 571 Upper Downs Rd, RD 8, Ashburton 7778. The Perendale is an easy-care breed and will give your farming operation effortless lambing, good mothering and survival, plus excellent fertility with low losses from scanning to lambing. M: 027 601 6131 E: france@yrless.co.nz Gardyne RJ 26 Klifden Road, Ida Valley, RD 2 Oturehua 9387. P: (07) 873 6313 E: pa.brandon@farmside.co.nzBryant M 616 Mokau Road, RD44, Urenui 4377. M: 027 355 2927 E: rnmwproffit@xtra.co.nz W: raupuhastud.co.nz Spellman J 2286 Kihikihi Road, Te Awamutu 3800 P: 07 877 8401 E: john_and_mary@xtra.co.nz, Brosnahan S 1333 Waikura Road, Hicks Bay, Gisborne. PO Box 3190, Ohope 3161. M: 027 432 4154 E: newhavenperendales@gmail.comMitchell Hillcrest Farming Co. 29 Springbank Rd, Wairuna,RD2, Clinton 9584. We regularly see rams with supposedly good records which do not handle the environment they are supposed to perform on. M: 027 693 5690 Timms GM 62 Pretoria Rd, RD 4, Palmerston North 4474. The Perendale is an easy-care breed and will give your farming operation effortless lambing, good mothering and survival, plus excellent fertility with low losses from scanning to lambing. P: 06 354 8951 M: 027 495 5176 Otapawa Partnership C/- M & D Robbie, 351 Haunui Rd, No 3 RD, Eketahuna 4996. M: 027 229 6436 E: gardners@es.co.nz France RA & KE Hazeldale, 1419 Moa Flat Rd, RD 2, Tapanui 9587. Perendales are perfect “starter sheep”: easy lambers, excellent mothers, good parasite resistance, with feet that rarely need trimming and intelligent, […] The lambs are easily finished to produce a lean, heavyweight carcass ideal for the chilled trade. M: 027 418 3415 E: prchriste@slilngshot.co.nz Diamond Peak Station Ltd 335 Diamond Peak Rd, RD 2, Gore 9772. M: 027 436 9026 E: pgmitch@wnation.net.nz Slee H & K 104 Mararoa Road, RD2, Te Anau 9672.