Most of the presets come from the plugin’s userbase. The information posted above on “Knee Cold Compression” was posted for information purposes only. Die Steuereinheit SIGMA CONTROL 2 koordiniert Drucklufterzeugung und ‑verbrauch. Some compressors will even allow you to control the selection of any position between the two types of knees. Tip #9 – Watch the meters. Especially when it comes to vocal mixing. Here’s the knee parameter in Ableton Live’s native compressor. This controls whether the bend in the response curve between below threshold and above threshold is abrupt (hard) or gradual (soft). Tip #6 – Parallel compression on drums is more subtle. Tip #5 – Compress the bass guitar and kick together. “Knee” refers to how quickly the compressor clamps down on the signal once it surpasses the threshold. Always consult a doctor before implementing a new treatment method for your pain. SIGMA CONTROL 2: für alle KAESER Schraubenkompressoren, Schraubengebläse, … In addition to its reasonably standard control layout, SAFE Compressor provides a massive amount of presets. Ableton compressor knee. When saving a preset in SAFE Compressor, the plugin asks if you want to store it locally or upload it to the cloud server and share it with other users. SAVE 10% OFF OUR PRODUCTS. The knee affects compression around the threshold. Think of it narrowing or widening the threshold point, affecting how signal at levels around the threshold will be compressed. Boggling if you don’t get it but super useful if you do. Mit einer intelligenten Steuerung kann unwirtschaftliche Energienutzung vor allem im Teillastbereich vermieden werden. While some compressors offer independent control over this parameter, others have fixed knees. The “knee” refers to how the compressor transitions between the non-compressed and compressed states of an audio signal running through it. Tip #7 – Apply subtractive EQ before compression. Die Intelligenz im Kompressor. It’s called “knee” because if you look at a gain-reduction graph, the line right after the compressor starts reducing the gain looks like a sharp angle, like the break of a knee. This is the only unit here to offer control over the Knee of the compression critters. Tip #4 – Stack compressors for more control. On the other hand, a hard knee will make the compressor react more aggressively when a vocal hits the threshold. Tip #8 – Pick a plugin and stick with it. This can help put a lid on vocals that need to be tightly controlled. Another control a compressor might offer is hard knee or soft knee selection. Sign up for our weekly newsletter and get useful information on pain management, health and fitness sent straight to your inbox. Tip #10 – Match the output gain to the input. Typically, compressors will offer one, or in some instances a switchable choice between both, a "soft knee" and a "hard knee” setting. BONUS TIP (Knee) Kaeser bietet unterschiedliche Kompressorsteuerungen je nach Bedarf. A soft knee slowly increases the compression ratio as the level increases and eventually reaches the compression ratio set by the user. The Vintage Compressor handles knee with its “Mode” parameter.