Drupelet Color: Dark purple, almost black. Dewberry exhibits low, vine-like, trailing growth, which forms mats that are rarely taller than 2 feet above the ground. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the town of Cameron, North Carolina, was known as the "dewberry capital of the world" for large scale cultivation of this berry which was shipped out for wide spread consumption. A Dewberry is very similar to a Blackberry, but instead of growing on upright canes, it is a trailing plant - that is, it grows like a vine horizontally over the ground. To make things clearer, though, here’s another noticeable distinction. To tell the difference between dewberries and blackberries, first look at the structure of the shrub. Drupelet Color: purlplish black Upland Dewberry, Rubus invisus. The berries on a dewberry bush are also a little larger than blackberries. Blackberries produce tall canes, while dewberries are a trailing bramble that rarely exceeds two feet in height. This is why dewberry is sometimes called trailing blackberry. Gardeners have interbred cane-borne fruit for hundreds of years, yielding dewberry, tayberry, boysenberry, loganberry and dozens of other brambles. Flavor: bitter, not usually eaten. Blackberry and dewberry are often viewed simply as nuisance weeds that reduce grazing in a portion of the field. There are a few in this group, but the only one that I know of in my area that is good enough to eat is the Northern Dewberry or Common Dewberry. How can I quickly tell dewberry from blackberry? Q: How can I quickly tell dewberry from blackberry? For example, a bull's reproductive organs can be severely damaged by blackberry or dewberry thorns. Swamp Dewberry, Rubus hispidus. Dewberries, or wild … But if you’re still not sure, just answer “blackberries,” and you’ll be correct 100% of the time. BlackBerry: a high-tech, handheld device capable of e-mailing, telephoning and browsing the Web. However, severe financial losses can occur if cattle are injured by these growing thickets. Also known as: bristly dewberry, bristly groundberry, groundberry, hispid swamp blackberry or running swamp blackberry. From a distance, dewberry and blackberry can be easily confused, but they are relatively easy to distinguish upon close examination. Now, if someone asks, “Is it a blackberry or a dewberry?” you’ll know some of the differences. Used as a dye. Dewberry Group. Dewberry exhibits low, vine-like, trailing growth, which forms mats that are rarely taller than 2 feet above the ground. From a distance, dewberry and blackberry can be easily confused, but they are relatively easy to . All have varying tolerances for heat and cold, making some better suited for the South and some more successful in the North. Local growers made extensive use of the railroads, in the area, to ship them nationally and internationally. This may not seem that detrimental. Range: Central and eastern North America. distinguish upon close examination. Dewberry Group. Dewberry is a trailing vine, not a high arching shrub like blackberry.