Medical school isn’t the only option for graduates with a bachelor’s degree in biology, although you may still have to invest in additional education beyond a four-year degree to get started.. A biology degree opens the door to many career possibilities. Check out the channel for other medicine/exam related videos! These people are those who seem to have a lot of time. Setting aside time every week to do this specifically will allow you to stay on top of your work, but you must develop a habit of doing it. Are all of them important? Essentially, schools will want to see how well you can use your brain to analyse information presented to you in articles. For how long will you need to be prepared to be able to recall this knowledge? Or you can continue your education and expand your knowledge of biology by earning a master’s and, eventually, your doctorate. One of my favourite teachers in school once told us that school should be looked at as if it’s the Tour De France. whatever your dream career may be, getting the best possible ATAR score will open up the most opportunities for you. One of the best ways to retain a lot of information about biological principles is to create diagrams and flow charts. As I mentioned earlier, there will be many terms that you need to learn. The difference between a chromatid and a chromosome or hominin and hominid may seem minuscule, but confusing those terms can make your responses nonsensical and may cost you some serious marks. Therefore, you need to find a place to store daily information, so that you can return back to it. However, when the competition comes closer and they need to perform at their peak, they will up the intensity but decrease the frequency of their training, so that they are performing at a high level but still avoid overwork and burn out. You need a plan. Or maybe just one particular field, like marine biology? This is the best way to learn what they are looking for. Find a cool science magazine you love and see if they're hiring. This could be in the form of finding the magnification of something, calculating a percentage or just basic averages. Often the words will start to blur and you won’t want to remember anything that you learn. Finding common themes between articles allow you to connect multiple sources, making your response that much better! This makes arguably easier to remember than other subjects like English and Maths. Be aware of everything – attempt to know all things. I’ll talk about the importance of knowing all this language a little later on, but you need to be prepared to have your brain overflowing with terms, knowledge and processes that are all unfamiliar, hard to learn and downright weird. First, you can go into one of the entry-level biology-degree jobs, such as microbiology or wildlife biologist. With unseen questions, make sure you’re very specific about what you do. How Will High School Rankings Change Under ATAR? Work at a research company. You can pursue a wide variety of biology-related careers in academia, writing and editing, laboratory research, health care and pharmaceuticals. Worried about how you are going to get through that chunky A-Level Biology textbook? They tend to study in very short amounts, or tend to learn things superficially (like only studying with visual techniques, rather than going in-depth). Motivation is the key that will allow your effort to rise and meet your goals. Are you going to be able to apply your knowledge to answer the question? That’s a pretty amazing subject to study. In the long run, you become more understanding and appreciative of the world around you, and how it works. Last but not least, putting time into your study notes allows you to keep track of what you’ve learnt and when. When cycling in the Tour De France, you know it’s going to be hard work. But when we look at the incredible amount of work that is ahead of us – be it in Biology, any other subject, or even in life in general – and give up out of sheer fear, we make losing our only option. At some point in Biology, there’s going to be a terms list that your teacher will give you with the instruction to simply “learn it”. Since there’s so much you need to know and so many notes you’ll need to make, planning is the key to knowing when and how much work you need to do throughout the term. Your responsibility is to back up your ideas with reliable and valid evidence. Ultimately, though, to get an A, that’s the mentality you have to develop. Despite the fact that very few areas of biology are purely mathematical, you will always have some sort of calculation to do in your exam. How to get the A* in A LEVEL Biology, these tips can also apply to GCSE Biology. It’s too important not to. Biology, the study of living organisms, is a complex field with many career possibilities. It starts with knowing your source. They don’t plan their study or work ahead. How to get an A in Biology is to understand that is the foundation of how we understand all living things. With diagrams and flow charts, you can still bring back to mind certain content, and process a far larger amount of information in that short time. To that, I say, “Nope!” There is a distinct difference between knowing a concept and understanding the concept – see below: Take, for example, the term ‘Founder effect’. Students who simply know the content will be great in knowledge sections, but can struggle intensely when it comes to understanding and applying of their knowledge.