Cover each pot with a glass jar or plastic bag to create a highly humid environment. Credit: Rooted. In other words, the new seedlings may not produce all of the same characteristics that the parent plant offered. Back to Top Normally grown as a houseplant, nerve plant (Fittonia spp.) This will reduce the risk of excess transpiration causing the cutting to wilt. Another Fittonia propagation method is to take heel cuttings rather than cutting your leaves off with scissors. Includes tips and FAQs to increase the chances of successful propagation (Fitonia survival). Place the cut-stems about an inch down into the soil, and then pack the soil around the base of the stem. These will be too delicate to pot up yet but they will continue to grow steadily and after 4-6 weeks should be dense enough for you to pot your Fittonia plant separately. DIY Pottery. DIY And Crafts. The advantages include being able to see the roots growing, and having a better idea when they are ready to be potted on. need some time to adjust to new surroundings, Instead of just taking the bag off all at once, methods to let the plant adapt to the surroundings, roots to sprout within two to three weeks, cut off and placed in a suitable medium such as moist soil, pass down its advantageous genetic information to its offspring. They don’t like too much water but just to be difficult, they don’t like to be too dry either. Another Fittonia propagation method is to take heel cuttings rather than cutting your leaves off with scissors. Alternatively, gently insert the cut end of the petiole into the soil and treat the same as a cutting planted in soil. Cuttings grown in soil or water will start showing fine roots after about two weeks. Place your cuttings in a bright, warm location, out of direct sunlight. Stem Cuttings 2. A heel cutting involves tearing the leaf stem away from the plant and taking with it a small part of the parent stem which looks a little like a heel. How to propagate Fittonia (Nerve Plant)? Put some houseplant soil into the two plastic cups. Get all latest content delivered straight to your inbox. Project: Fittonia Propagation Posted by Jordan | Wednesday, November 26, 2008 | Fittonia , Houseplants , Propagating | 15 comments » While I was at work on November 12th, I decided that it was time to try propagating my pink Fittonia ( Fittonia argyroneura ) because it was starting to get a little out of control, so I gathered up all of the tools I needed and started with the project. Feed them once a month with a balanced fertilizer and in the cooler months, you can reduce this regime to once every six weeks. If you live in a hard water area, you may have more success using rainwater or distilled water. Nerve Plant, Mosaic Plant, And Other Names For Fittonia Albivenis. Moon+ Reader: How to sync bookmarks between devices. Leaf Cuttings. Here’s a Fittonia care guide, including watering tips and how to propagate! If you keep an eye out for this you will have time to respond with a quick watering if the need should arise. Functional Pottery. Although cuttings can be taken throughout the warmer months, spring and early summer are when the Fittonia starts to push out lush new growth which lends itself to further propagation. Or know what went wrong? Cultivated for its attractive, variegated foliage, it is generally grown as a houseplant. If the water gets cloudy or algae starts growing, replace it with fresh water. This can then be grown in water or directly into the soil, depending on which method you favor. The reason to use clear plastic cups is - to allow you to see the root development clearly. As far as houseplants grown for their foliage are concerned, there are few that match Nerve plants (Fittonia albivenis) for their beautiful and delicate little leaves. I placed my Fittonia in ziplock bag for about 3 weeks. is a spreading evergreen perennial with delicately veined, deep-green leaves. Fittonia argyroneura, also known as the mosaic plant, is a perennial that grows to 12 inches high. Fill the container with tepid water. With scissors or sharp pruners, snip off enough for your purposes but not so many as to leave the parent plant looking too denuded.