Here are some of the benefits of the tree agate for health and healing, for wealth and for love and relationship. Green agate enhances mental and emotional flexibility and improves decision making. The Benefits Of Using Agate. Linked to its mental benefits, Agate is great for headaches and migraines. The lighter shades promote spirituality, and the darker shades instil strength and growth. The throat chakra can also affect your ability to listen and communicate, which is why it can help you speak truthfully and wholeheartedly to yourself. It nurtures and upholds the new business and the relationship of the wearer with his loved ones. You can attract more luck and stimulate the level of abundance in your life by combining Moss Agate with other golden stones, such as Amber and Golden Labradorite, Yellow Apatite, and Yellow Citrine Crystal. Being green in colour, Moss agate is a nurturing stone. It will help you balance your energies and direct them appropriately. Plants have a consciousness in similar alignment to the consciousness of animals. Tree agate helps with health problems that affect the blood capillaries, heart and blood vessels and the as well as aiding in lowering your blood pressure. The Physical Benefits of Agate. This was used in the ancient times by the wise sages, especially to uplift them and give confidence. Even nowadays, agate of all sorts is seen as a foundation of confidence and strength, as much as it is a gem of healing and compassion. This stone allows you to hear messages from the plant kingdom and to benefit from its vast knowledge. It stimulates the quality of grace in physical movements and actions. All varieties of Agate have a strengthening quality that can help you in your daily tasks. Facts About Tree Agate For Health and Healing. For a throat chakra cleanse, you can use the Blue Lace Agate crystal with other blue and blue-green stones to strengthen your communication skills. Moss Agate will also work wonderfully with Fuchsite, Seraphinite, Chlorite Phantom Quartz, Fairy Crosses, Prasiolite, Rainforest Jasper, Green Aventurine, Green Apophyllite, and Red Muscovite. Green agate opens your mind to understanding the spiritual dimensions of plants and plant life forms. Tree Agate Benefits That You Need to Know. Agate is good for both the respiratory and the cardiovascular systems as well as the intestines and stomach. According to modern healers who use stones in healing, green agate increases compassion, generosity and a keen sense of justice, along with enhancing mental and emotional flexibility, improving decision-making and resolving disputes. Physically, Agate is a very versatile gemstone healer. It will relieve all sorts of aches and pains all over the body, muscles, joints and bones all receiving a boost. This meditation practice will help you speak clearly and with confidence. Cures physical troubles; Moss Agate boosts the perception of the senses and neuronal activities. It also encourages these traits in others. It helps the survival instinct, eliminating fear and helping to improve one's chances for survival in dangerous situations. For instance, the Indian agate is of an earthy green variety of the agate with a beautiful moss color detail. It will help you feel empowered and in harmony with yourself. Bulls Eye Agate (also known as Orbicular Agate) has long been thought to ward off the evil-eye or curses.