When all 30 squares are filled, he will receive an agreed upon reward. It’s just a fight. Fear is a frequently overlooked cause of marital arguments, especially male fear. Things got heated and tense, and there may have been a few tears. get into trouble/difficulties etc: Those kids are always getting into trouble. Male children and young male adolescents get a constant message that women will respect you if you are intelligent and capable of earning the family a good living. "Words spoken in a fight that tear at the core of another person's body are never forgotten," says Greenhouse. Try to get into the habit of drinking a glass of water every hour. 8. I think that’ll depend on what kind of arguments those are, and whether he is doing that consistently, and whether maybe you are starting the arguments. They would rather fight until the end knowing they won even if it means damaging the relationship than ever admit defeat. The other day, my partner and I had the biggest fight we've had in a really long time. If not, move on to saying that for every day that goes by without an argument, your child will get a star on his chart. This is what happens when a discussion becomes an argument. And they will pick any fight they can. It’s no longer an exercise in logic and reasoning. They don’t lose. Narcissists go off in conversation with a simple objective of completely shutting you down. "This is a boundary violation every couple needs to stay away from." How To Avoid It Synonyms and related words +-To start doing something. Instead of getting into too many hypotheticals on the second cause, I want to limit my comment to the first cause. They thrive on winning even if it’s a stupid fight. get into a fight/argument etc (with someone): I don’t want to get into an argument with him.