Encourage participation and collaboration. Reading Comprehension Strategies for English Language Learners I. Integrate reading with writing and use a variety of genres and formats as a springboard for writing activities. Classroom strategies: Steps for explicitly teaching comprehension skills. It helps them gain confidence in their academic achievements. Teach word-study skills. Insights is a SmartBrief Education Originals column that features perspectives from noted experts and leaders in education on the hot-button issuessaffecting schools and districts. Students may already possess content knowledge that they cannot yet demonstrate in... II. They are a motivating hands-on activity and can serve as models for procedural writing. Skills like phonics can be developed after meaning is established or receptive and expressive vocabulary is strong. A picture is worth a thousand words: A picture is understandable in any language. Teach comprehension first. A student once told me: “The hardest part of learning English is in my heart. For example, classifying and sorting words by spelling patterns helps students develop vocabulary and provides opportunities to transfer spelling concepts from reading to writing. Often, one of the greatest obstacles to learning a new language is fear. Active participation and engagement help ELLs retain the knowledge and skills they are acquiring. 9â12. Are English language learners acquiring the skills necessary to become literate in the English language by the end of high school? While most of these strategies are designed for use in a balanced literacy program, you can easily adapt them to meet your specific program needs. Flash Cards. Here are a few tips to help ELLs develop the reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills they need to be successful inside and outside of the classroom. When I can’t express myself, it is very frustrating, because I feel I can’t be myself.” That was the first time I realized how intensely personal these feelings are for students who struggle to read and write. What can educators do to bridge these language and achievement gaps? Discuss new words in context. Recipes are a great example of meaningful procedural text. Incorporate environmental print into your classroom with examples from magazines, newspapers, ads, street signs, and other sources. For students who are learning a new language, the emotional aspect of learning often gets overlooked. Sign up for ELA SmartBrief to get news like this in your inbox, or check out all of SmartBrief’s education newsletters, covering curriculum, library sciences, educational leadership, special education, math instruction and more. The ESL high achievers were also reported to significantly use post-reading strategies more frequently as compared to the ESL low achievers who tended to use while- reading strategies more frequently. Parents love seeing these too. On this journey, they can experience tremendous highs and lows, which can impact their motivation to become capable readers and writers. Other ideas. A variety of other factors can impact the journey to reading and writing as well. How are influencers and brands treating this holiday season differently? As opposed to fluent readers and writers, who can seamlessly process content from working memory into long-term memory, these tasks are much more difficult for those learning a new language. Work with recipes. In this article, I will highlight ELL instructional strategies based on the five components of reading as outlined in Teaching Children to Read by the National Reading Panel (2000). All contributors are selected by the SmartBrief Education editorial team. These may include prior schooling experiences (or lack thereof), cultural and social differences, and the similarity or dissimilarity of previously learned languages. Strategies that might be tried and true in reaching your native speakers could very likely be lost on your ELL students. For unit studies, gather a variety of books on the same subject, making sure that the books reflect the range of reading levels in your class. In the 2011 writing assessment, one percent of ELLs in grade eight and grade 12 scored at or above the Proficient level. The following reading strategies will help you with the process. Teaching ELL: Reading and Writing Strategies. 6â8, Having difficulty speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language not only affects their ability to learn successfully in classrooms, but also to participate fully in society. She is now a professional development manager for Learning A-Z. Utilizing Visuals. Teach the strategy of using pictorial, semantic, and syntax cues, and conventions of print to read for meaning. However, ELLs will need additional support in learning how to read, and the strategies here will help you to provide assistance in your everyday teaching, particularly for newcomers (students who have recently arrived in the U.S.). Fostering opportunities for interaction with peers through … Comprehensiable instruction and opportunities for verbal interaction will motivate students to engage in learning and actively participate in classroom activities. _________________________________________________________________________. Contextualizing. Using literature and content material, you can introduce and reinforce … After a weekend or holiday, rereading what has been recorded in journals lets ELLs review the subject and get back on track. Build background knowledge. Generate a list of questions about what you are reading. Results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress show that ELLs consistently score below the proficient level across subject areas. For English … Teach phonics in context. Learning to read and write are among the most important and difficult tasks that students -- both native English speakers and ELLs -- confront in school. TM ® & © 2016 Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved. National achievement data indicate that the answer is no. Cultivate Relationships and Be Culturally Responsive. Explicit and effective ELL strategies must be utilized in order for your students to gain a true understanding of the content being taught and the language associated with that content.