They do quite well in pots as long as they don’t get too big for their container. To prepare all you to do is to cut the fruit in half and then scoop out the flesh. You will need to cut the fruit in half, and then scoop out the seeds. Cut the end off to create more surface area along the tender part of the plant. But when their prized fruit starts to appear you need to protect it from bats and birds. It has little flavour and its texture closely resembles that of kiwi fruit. Growing dragon fruit in pots is a great idea, especially for those who live in the colder parts of Australia, so you can move your plant to a warmer position in the cooler months. Dragon fruit typically have a shallow root system that spreads out in the top few inches of soil. , Pitaya doesn’t continue to ripen after harvest so make sure that it has fully ripened before picking. But new roots don’t grow well from the narrow, woody end. Hylocereus undatus: white flesh with pink/red skin (most popular in Australia), Hylocereus Megalanthus: white flesh with yellow skin, Hylocereus costaricensis: purple/red flesh and pink/red skin. Once it has dried out simply place cut side down into sandy cacti soil and water monthly. Propagating a dragon fruit tree is relatively easy, all you need to do is find a friend with a tree and you’re good to go. About the Dragon Fruit Plant There are a couple of different types of dragon fruit the most common varieties are: As mentioned above, dragon fruit is native to South America, but you’ll also found it grown in parts of Indonesia, Taiwan, Southern California and most recently Australia. Have a look on Facebook Marketplace or Gumtree for a dragon plant for a sale as people are often selling cuttings off cheap or for nothing at all! As your dragon fruit plant grows invest in a trellis or plant it near a fence something that it can climb on, just be wary they are heavy plants so it needs to be able to support the dragon fruit plants weight when it is bearing fruit too. To grow dragon fruit from seeds you need very little equipment but a lot of time. I have a friend that simply grows the plant on his front fence. There are high levels of Vitamin C in this fruit, so it will boost your immune system. The dragon fruit plant is a vine and this poses unique challenges when growing the fruit for production. Remember, this is a cactus that comes from sunny, warm regions. Amazon Affiliate Disclaimer, Growing Guide: How to Grow and Care for Asters, Christmas Cactus: How to Grow and Care for Christmas Cactus, Growing Lobster Claw Plant (Heliconia rostrata). From seed it can take between five and seven years for the plant to produce fruit which is why it is the least popular option. Get your mag delivered!-Save 29% off the cover price! that provides a number of benefits. If you notice spots on the stems and leaves of the plant this could be a sign of infection. This works well for him and he always has plenty of fruit. Use bird netting to keep your fruit safe. Easy peasy! Sunlight for 6 to 8 hours is best. They are subtropical plants which need at least six hours of sunlight per day. Growing dragon fruit outdoors in your garden is a fail-proof way to add colour and personality to your garden. Trim the Ends. The vitamin level in dragon fruit is amazing, which can help you get the vitamins you need to maintain a healthy system. Dragon fruit grows on cactus plants which love warm, humid climates and needs very little water. This is a way how to grow dragon fruit cuttings. It is the exotic fruit of several types of cactus that are indigenous to South America. Lottie Dalziel, is a 4AM riser and coffee-addict who loves reading up on the latest trends in sustainability or discovering ways to upcycle almost anything! Make sure that the soil is never sopping wet if in doubt hold off on watering for a day or two. Dragon fruit trees love the sun but can withstand a little shade around the root area.