Some of them are now considered “best practices” while others require a little creativity and a willingness to take a risk. We sometimes refer to these as the “three P’s of cultural tourism marketing”. Each opportunity is sorted into one of nine cells based on its perceived investment requirements and impact outcome. Oral traditions and expressions Culturally, we crave that which is more personally relevant and less packaged or mass produced. And, again, they are the activities that are typically the most capable of distinguishing or branding a destination. Hey, Dad, are we there yet? In the past, most companies who have engaged themselves in this process have learned the hard way, making it hard for them to execute easy cross-cultural campaigns as translating text from one language to the other becomes difficult. In a typical workshop, over one-hundred different opportunity areas are identified and then scored based on the three strategic criteria. Each potential opportunity is evaluated based on three strategic criteria: 1) authenticity; 2) motivation; and 3) differentiation. The most comprehensive view of cultural tourism comes from the World Trade Organization. And there are a host of sub-trends: social media, curation, shop-small, buy-local, mass customization, etc. This resulted in a unique look at these amazing islands which 49,000 people (give or take a few) call home. U.S. Travel Association Domestic Travel Market Report. Music and performing arts Through use of our LOCUSTM tool, we identify opportunities across the six culture categories. The obvious implication is that most destinations do not necessarily have an even or symmetrical understanding across the six areas. Andreassen then uploaded the footage to the Google Street View, or as she calls it: “Sheep View”. Given the often sensitive and politicized nature of cultural heritage, it makes sense to emphasize and frequently remind stakeholders of the benefits. Given the relatively large size of the millennial cohort, their relative wealth, and their travel propensity, the market is getting younger and has become less dependent on the retiree. Based on 2012 global survey7, they identified six categories: One of the most efficient and productive tools used to gather information and build consensus among local stakeholders is a proprietary technique we refer to as a culture inventory. There is a mega-industry devoted to customization of the protective case and another one for the ring tones. Handicrafts and visual arts As Visit Carlsbad’s executive director Sam Ross put it: “Beyond our natural features, Carlsbad is home to a bustling local art scene, ground-breaking restaurants and breweries, a heritage of adventure and action sports, and a Southern Californian approach to wellness. “Study on Tourism and Intangible Cultural Heritage,” World Tourism Organization, 2011. Gastronomy and culinary Finally, cultural travelers are staying longer and are more likely to travel by air. A set of assets are more easily understood and remembered when they are associated with a brand idea. Second, local culture and the branding idea that supports it are more discovered than they are created. Collectively, these “middle-of-the-pack” activities account for about twenty percent of all tourism activity. The fact is, today’s interest in cultural tourism is really a manifestation of a larger and even more fundamental trend: post-modernism. It is immersive, experiential, educational, and soul-cleansing. Instead of relying just on the i… launched a destination marketing campaign in partnership with VR company, 5 Good Reasons Why DMOs Should Work With Bloggers, Success Factor Storytelling – Opportunities for DMOs in the Sales of Activities, How Destinations Should Position Themselves in the Tours & Activities Market Now, 9 Tourism Trends That Will Shape the Travel Industry in 2020 and Beyond, 10 Creative Tour Name Ideas to Attract More Visitors, 10 Destination Marketing Strategies to Help You Grow Quickly, How to Start a Tour Company with (Almost) No Money, 10 Ways to Promote Your Tours for Maximum Sales.