[251] Conflicting studies have suggested that the two forms of vitamin D may or may not be bioequivalent. [301] Plumwood wrote that animal food may be an "unnecessary evil" from the perspective of the consumer who "draws on the whole planet for nutritional needs"—and she strongly opposed factory farming—but for anyone relying on a much smaller ecosystem, it is very difficult or impossible to be vegan. 1057). Laura H. Kahn, Michael S. Bruner, "Politics on Your Plate: Building and Burning Bridges across Organics, Vegetarian, and Vegan Discourse", in Joshua Frye (ed. [203] Soy milk should not be used as a replacement for breast milk for babies. [70] The book contains recipes "without the employment of milk, sugar, salt, yeast, acids, alkalies, grease, or condiments of any kind. diet. [292][293], Vegan diets have attracted negative attention from the media because of cases of nutritional deficiencies that have come to the attention of the courts, including the death of a baby in New Zealand in 2002 due to hypocobalaminemia, i.e. "[45], National Institutes of Health, 2013: "In the Oxford cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, bone fracture risk was similar in meat eaters, fish eaters and vegetarians, but higher in vegans, likely due to their lower mean calcium intake."[244]. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? [86][87][88] According to Joanne Stepaniak, the word vegan was first published independently in 1962 by the Oxford Illustrated Dictionary, defined as "a vegetarian who eats no butter, eggs, cheese, or milk". Raymond Eller Kirk, Donald Frederick Othmer. [325] A 2015 study determined that significant biodiversity loss can be attributed to the growing demand for meat, which is a significant driver of deforestation and habitat destruction, with species-rich habitats being converted to agriculture for livestock production. Tel Aviv. [i], Vegetarianism can be traced to Indus Valley Civilization in 3300–1300 BCE in the Indian subcontinent,[46][47][48] particularly in northern and western ancient India. [306] The increasing number of vegans and vegetarians in the transhumanism movement has been attributed in part to Pearce's influence. [11][72], During a visit to London in 1931, Mahatma Gandhi—who had joined the Vegetarian Society's executive committee when he lived in London from 1888 to 1891—gave a speech to the Society arguing that it ought to promote a meat-free diet as a matter of morality, not health. [119] In 2013, the Oktoberfest in Munich — traditionally a meat-heavy event — offered vegan dishes for the first time in its 200-year history. [330][331] In November 2017, 15,364 world scientists signed a warning to humanity calling for, among other things, "promoting dietary shifts towards mostly plant-based foods". "[287], The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Dietitians of Canada consider well-planned vegetarian and vegan diets "appropriate for individuals during all stages of the lifecycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes". [242], A 2007 report based on the Oxford cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, which began in 1993, suggested that vegans have an increased risk of bone fractures over meat eaters and vegetarians, likely because of lower dietary calcium intake. [198], Plant milks—such as soy milk, almond milk, cashew milk, grain milks (oat milk, flax milk and rice milk), hemp milk, and coconut milk—are used in place of cows' or goats' milk. Croft, Martin T.; Lawrence, Andrew D.; Raux-Deery, Evelyne; Warren, Martin J.; Smith, Alison G. (November 2005). Nutritional yeast is a common substitute for the taste of cheese in vegan recipes. Ethical vegans avoid them on the premise that their production causes animal suffering and premature death. [266] A vegan diet offers no benefit over other types of healthy diet in helping with high blood pressure. Distinctions may be made between several categories of veganism. "Vegan" redirects here. [206] Cheese substitutes can be made at home, including from nuts, such as cashews. [358] A survey of about 1,000 participants showed that vegans are perceived as a threat mainly by older and lower-educated people and convinced meat eaters. [109][111] Since 2017, more than 12,500 chain restaurant locations have begun offering Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods products including Carl's Jr. outlets offering Beyond Burgers and Burger King outlets serving Impossible Whoppers. Adams. [220][p][233][q] In 2016, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics established that nori, fermented foods (such as tempeh), spirulina, chlorella algae, and unfortified nutritional yeast are not adequate sources of vitamin B12 and that vegans need to consume regularly fortified foods or supplements containing B12. ", "Vegan cuisine moves into the mainstream – and it's actually delicious", "Vegan is going mainstream, trend data suggests", "Why the Global Rise in Vegan and Plant-Based Eating Isn't A Fad (600% Increase in U.S. Vegans + Other Astounding Stats)", "The rise and rise of veganism and a global market worth billions", "History of Vegetarianism: Extracts from some journals 1842–48 – the earliest known uses of the word 'vegetarian, "History of Vegetarianism: Extracts from some journals 1842–48 – the earliest known uses of the word 'vegetarian' (Appendix 2 – The 1839 journal of Fanny Kemble)", "Thirukkural English Translation and Commentary", "The political and the personal: the radicalism of Sophia Chichester and Georgiana Fletcher Welch", "History of Vegetarianism: The Origin of Some Words", "11th IVU World Vegetarian Congress 1947", "Veganism: How a maligned movement went mainstream", "If You Think Eating Is A Political Act, Say Thanks To Frances Moore Lappe", "The contribution of vegetarian diets to health and disease: a paradigm shift?