Notice : Term End Re-Appear Exam 2020-21 last date extended with fine (Click Here) Fee Notice for M.Sc. Diving into practical self-care tips during Royal College/CCFP exam preparation season. SPRING 2021 REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! In which we discuss … endobj This year’s College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) written-only certification examination runs from October 13th to 16th. Application dates for Residency Eligible Candidates: December 1, 2020 to February 1, 2021 The deadline to register is February 1, 2020. stream FALL 2020 EXAM . The simulated office oral (SOO) component of the exam is now scheduled for October 16 to 18, 2020. 10.20.20 November CFP ® Exam … <> The only Canada-Wide CCFP exam course - created by two Family Doctors who wished this existed when we were residents, and are on a mission to help CCFP exam candidates. (HHA) first semester students session 2020-21 Click Here! %PDF-1.5 The simulated office oral (SOO) component of the exam will be held October 16 to 18, 2020. ����*Oq��ߥ(�X ����m�}N� ��T9j:D��YM�|���$�Ԁ%2\g@e-pL��u��IdN���x�=#(U�:BE(x��T��1�˿�(]�^d�}��}'��G�鎊��(�hV�!�&�OaI�68#gb萰���@�'r���0�Wޏ� Ğ�S=5r�,QV�aH'���,�-K�_3�4�_ 3➒�k:�d]ϊ�F��L ��v����O�I��R�@�������p8�(d�b"b��8�X�+�>8F+|����v� Logistics related to holding the postponed spri ng exam in October, such as examiner recruitment, still need to be confirmed. We work hard to help prepare you to be as ready as you can be for the CCFP exam! 0%K�Q�Y]�.��Q��,�����2�x|���B��f�H�F��s��Ue��Y�Ԗ�'_騋���8����~�feЎ��:;�jP{\+9'��� ��@?�N�E�����*��3I�ef���g$�ǹq�UX��R�"iȭ!�$�3���|�!G�B]f�����G��Fu땍/M�&�ߓ&Yaү�jO�%�h%JҕB �-�^����;�6O Our materials are peer-reviewed and prepared by Canadian physicians; we do not guarantee that our preparation materials are representative of any Canadian examination and we do not provide questions from any other examination nor are they intended as medical advice. Revised Fee Notice for B.Sc. The above dates are provided by the CCFP and could be subject to error.  Program Calendar of Events 2020 to 2021 June 25, 2020 Program Orientation for Incoming R1s June 26, 2020 HEABC Health and Safety Orientation June 30, 2020 Program Ends June 30, 2020 Application Deadline for CCFP Fall Exam July 2020 (TBC) PGME Orientation for all R1s (timing TBD) August 10-11, 2020 ATLS Course August 24-25, [ %���� EARLY BIRD RATE AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME - SIGN UP NOW. 3 0 obj The Review Course does not assume any liability for errors noted on the above dates. The Spring 2020 Certification Examination in Family Medicine application is now open for qualified residents. As is the case with any private events hosted on a university campus or hospital, this event is not affiliated with nor endorsed by the host venues. Disclosures: The Review Course founders have no conflicting commercial interests. {5v;U-\3�kq�T����E!J��6B�V2�Z��ݡ�`�C�`E�j�����M�"�8:5�\'Dn����Q82��=ٱ��}Ӻ����'���K^�i���z4����f���'��ۜȼ���d��AP���x55��I��{<6UBɈ&�9�H��>XqCݟl�g[qϾ�ZW�s�-�M%L^_Jy��J�~���`�s� �.��&m�#�xoJ��K���7�. Registration Open for CCFP Exam! Just for the exam component I studied for about 280 hours. Source 1 0 obj SPRING 2021 CCFP EXAM (TENTATIVE) Exam Dates: April 21-25, 2021 (proposed) Application dates for Residency Eligible Candidates: December 1, 2020 to February 1, 2021Application dates for Practice Eligible Candidates: July 1 to October 1, 2020. <> For your benefit we have compiled a list of the SOO exam and SAMP exam for years to come, as indicated by the CFPC exam office. (HA) students Batch 2020-22 Click Here! q�޺���G�����NJ@��0�`tŸm��L�@E�J� �0*�I����LG3z�e����%^H���z�Ѭy™�l~��j�e�β�\:4q��gZ�g���T0e��+w�{5�"ÏU���+�ɞ�O�D���a���٠��H|��cn��w�[No �����P��:��lU��������ز@B�yH�����R�0�Y�?������@j���"��lP��%,E�Uu�J��/��H�x�(��w8oP�K-G��Ո{�����Ygb�\�y�Z���jC7���Tݴ�Ks����\���U^��L������#1�d�����A$�����&E��G��l` �"�IC'��� Logistics related to holding the postponed spring exam in October, such as examiner recruitment, still need to be confirmed. 4 0 obj Space is limited and it is filling up fast so DON’T WAIT! For your benefit we have compiled a list of the SOO exam and SAMP exam for years to come, as indicated by the, Application dates for Residency Eligible Candidates: December 1, 2020 to February 1, 2021, Application dates for Residency Eligible Candidates: May 1 to June 1, 2021, © The Review Course in Family Medicine Inc. |. The simulated office oral (SOO) component of the exam will be held October 16 to 18, 2020. The examination is 4.5 hours in length, including a 15-minute computer-based orientation and an optional 15-minute break. Dear Residents, Welcome to the Family Medicine Exam Prep (FMEP) Course! When is the CCFP exam? October 16-18, 2020 SPRING 2021 EXAM (TENTATIVE) April 14-18, 2021 FALL 2021 EXAM (TENTATIVE) October 15-17, 2021. Our plan is to hold the October SOOs at the 17 sites we had planned to use in April. On the FMEP website you will find practice SAMPs, a video of SOO “DO’s and DON’Ts”, FAQs and a sign-up for our Fall 2020 course. <>>> #��5J����f�=��A3�D�[��Ef���VI�ռ�=Q�Ef�8B��˩8��#!-�uH?�إ�߲�!.�����.E�N��Y��:�l��1��s��7�:�N�/�lz0K@�nԆC�߼7F��Px����M�x3 {AhEnOJ9�h'0�T�VӶ��m���� I’ve met all the other requirements to use the marks, just anxiously waiting to for everything to be approved and I get to pay the $355 annual fee to join the club. Logistics related to holding the postponed spring exam in October, such as examiner recruitment, still need to be confirmed. The CFP® is a very difficult challenge, but in the end feels like one of the greatest accomplishments I’ve ever achieved. The simulated office oral (SOO) component of the exam will be held October 16 to 18, 2020. How to stay alive – and thrive! The College of Family Physicians of Canada does not affiliate with nor endorse any exam preparation course.