Help? Browse Solo3 Wireless headphones support and customer service topics at dylanjeter123456789, oldturkey03 My warranty literally expired a month after this happened to mine... 10/14/2018 by he said the bluetooth doesn't work anymore, and he doesn't know why. EDIT: I talked to tech support. I already contacted apple 4 months ago. Hold down these two buttons for 10 seconds: When the Fuel Gauge flashes, release the buttons. By the time it finally arrived I had already moved. @sosadavinvi, 04/30/2018 by Beats would charge fine but would not come on. w00t! Thank you Apple!!! ? © 2020 iFixit — Licensed under Creative Commons — Privacy — I just was having problems with my own Beats Solo 3 and I tried this. Please help :((, 07/02/2018 by Not battery issue, i just replace my beats solo 3 with a new battery and still not working…. Please help!! @oldturkey03. Now, this quick tips will offer you some solutions to fix powerbeats 3 volume control not working problem. The same issue was happening to me. My airpods are awesome, I have hated the beats from day one. Once they are on the charger, hold down the power button for 20 seconds. @victalew. My Beats Solo3 wireless headset wont turn on, connect, or reset but the led lights will turn to charge but other than that I have to use it with an AUX cord. so he's giving me one with an aux cable, cool price, i'd sell mine for $80 too for that same bluetooth problem.. i actually thought my beats had finally stopped working not knowing it was just the bluetooth that isn't working anymore lol, I’ve had this same proble after 11 months they just stopped working even though the charging light still comes on. sweet. I've tried holding the power button for 10 seconds and holding both the power button and the pause button for 2 minutes, neither worked. Blake Klein. Hi Oleg Teapchin. I thought the battery just ran out but when I plugged it in (to my computers usb port) it had 3/5 battery indicators lit up, but it still wouldn't turn on. 09/06/2017 by Sosa878 The way to solve this is by putting the headphones on charge and holding the power button for 20 seconds. (If not, you have a power button problem). Matt Corliss, The only way to relsolve this is have a person at Apple send it in for repair and they reprogram it or they send u a new one if you have warrenty, if you don’t have warrenty than I don’t know if you can still send it in but costs a lot of money to send it in without complete coverage, 08/09/2018 by The firmware is up to date, and they are being recognized when I go to website, and the battery is at 100% per the website. Browse Solo3 Wireless headphones support and customer service topics at It flashes like normal but still wont turn on. Accessibility. Did you manage to get them replaced out of the waranty?? Like my headphones arent wireless? 07/08/2018 by Still nothing. Ryan Schreiber. Same issue here. Ryan Schreiber these are known to have battery issues. Wait 10 seconds. Where do you get this wire. Even after trying all reset solutions (hold down Power+Mute for 10 seconds, 2 minutes, etc) while being plugged in and/or unplugged. warhammercasey Press the power button and power on the device. In my Beats on Left case, one wire is not doing your funciont, like this: This PINS are very sensible and is posible is broken, check the 3 PINS, and normally this is your solution. Is there any way to reset them or fix this in another way (other than holding the power button and pause button)? Instant results. This should work. I plugged the beats into a different outlet and the red dot turned on, along with the white dot a few seconds later. just brought to Apple and they asked $129 to fix it, $129 is the flat cost regardless any issue or cost of fix.. if they couldn’t fix it then replace with new one.. it was just 16month old, service guy just said it would happened and I am just one of unlucky guy.. What a quality and service.. Apple is talking about the lucky or unlucky.. they should talked about their quality process or system.. not just luck… and I think they are also trying to make money with their quality issue…. They should work right away. smh.. 03/11/2019 by If nothing else you want to go ahead and replace your battery. I will let all know how things go! Wait 10 seconds. It appear now.. Had same issues Popped open the left side and plugged back in tiny connectors that came undone now they work fine, A guy just sold me one on eBay for $80. @warhammercasey. Carlos Terrazas, Ben Grebb © 2020 iFixit — Licensed under Creative Commons — Privacy — It took them over a month to send me a shipping box to repair it. Support and repair information for Beats Solo 3 headphones. My computer gave me a notification saying the device malfunctioned and it couldn't recognize it. The first is connect beats to usb, and check the windows reconize your headphones. Bam Shakalam, Sorry, I mean as Blake Klein suggested. Step 1: Reset BeatsX. Tha ks! EDIT: They work fine when plugged in with an aux cable. Mine are gone forever....nothing seems to work. Volume buttons do. these where a gift from my parents and they where very expensive, Victoria Lewis They are so blood thirsty… They WILL NOT GIVE ANYTHING AWAY for Free. I Have the same problem to you. To fix this issue you need to replace inner 5 core wire, requires soldering iron and repair skills, this is the reason why power button won't work and why one the sides won't work. They warrantied it, luckily... Then the SAME problem happened AGAIN three months later and they won't warranty it because the initial purchase date was 14 months prior. warhammercasey. Instant results. I can't seem to find it on the Web?? BLOOD THIRSTY.. Make sure to Update the Earphones of your powerbeats 3… Press the power button and power on the device. Tried the same controls on Apple Music and they seem to work perfectly fine. l patterson, My beats solo 3 connects to my iPhone but the lights don’t turn on can some one please explain that to me. Mine were not turning on for a few days; not even the one red dot or white light when I plugged it in. Terms — warhammercasey. Most likely the power board went out. Has anyone had this problem or a fix for it? They are I had a couple months of wireless usage before they stopped turning on. The light for the charging may come on but that is no indication that your battery is actually charging. No lights. Accessibility. you have to insert your penis into the beats. Please help. Finally with connect usb on pc, press 10 seconds power button, you see your beats disconected to pc. I refuse to pay apple $129 to fix them. Learn how to troubleshoot and repair issues with the buttons suddenly not working on your Beats Studio3 wireless headphones. MyBeatsSolo3, 08/09/2018 by Go ahead and play a song or make a call and make sure RemoteTalk is working. dylanjeter123456789. The battery needs to be replaced(YouTube video linked). Resolved. May 11 by Yes I've tried that. I suppose this will be rectified with an update for Spotify? Apple, HA! 05/14/2019 by Press and hold the power button on the headset (approximately 5 seconds) until you see the lights fading in and out. No power. they just don't do that anymore.. like you said. I downloaded the beats updater but that says they're perfectly fine. It will not turn on, connect, or reset with a bad battery. I am starting to not like apple.. like at all. It says it’s disconnect and when I re connect, nothing happens. warhammercasey. Apple tried to charge me $129 to do this service without the warranty. Finally with connect usb on pc, press 10 seconds power button, you see your beats disconected to pc. I replaced the power board have been working fine. tried the suggestions above but nothing. See if your powerbeats 3 is charging. (If not, you have a power button problem) If this stapes are working good, check your music with and auxiliar cable, and see are listening left and right speaker. Just hold down the power button and volume down button at the same time for about 10 seconds. 01/26/2018 by They still work with that, they just arent bluetooth. I am having the same issues with my Beats Solo 3 wireless headphones as well. Actually I called Apple and they replaced them! After the 20 seconds, unplug your beats and turn them on. I noticed that when I tilted my head to a certain angle while listening to something the left ear would stop playing sound, eventually the headphones just turned off.