Damage from Apple Scab . Ovate-shaped tree leaves can be rounded, elongated, or taper to a point. If you have an unknown apple variety that you want to identify you can compare the key features you see on it with dozens of attributes and variety characteristics listed on this website. Eventually a canker (dying area) will appear at the base of the tree, girdling and killing the tree. Also, the margins of these leaves can be smooth, serrated, notched, or lobed. Leaf Identification | Identify Trees by Their Leaves. The spots will grow, and will cover with a velvety mycelium. By itself, this leaf information will not identify this tree. Click on leaf images to enlarge. The trees are also susceptible to powdery mildew, scale, fire blight, rust, apple scab, canker and leaf spot. Trees infected with apple scab are unsightly but the damage is more far-reaching. Tree Leaf Identification. This disease attacks all the aerial organs of the tree. However, you could if you knew how rare it is that the tree you are looking at, although not a conifer, has flowers that become inch-long cone-like fruits containing seeds. There is much more to identifying tree leaves than just by their shape. If a tree loses its leaves prematurely, and if that happens several years in a row, the tree will become weaker—its growth will be affected, it will bloom less, it will be more prone to winter injury, and more susceptible to other diseases and pests. Fire blight is a serious problem that can destroy affected trees. If the attack is strong the tree losses the leaves from the summer. Pests that attack the trees include the Japanese beetle, borers, mites and aphids. Collar Rot – Collar rot is a particularly bad apple tree problem. Apple identification. Initially, it will cause stunted or delayed growth and blossoming, yellowing leaves and leaf drop. This website will help you identify apple varieties. On the lower side of the leaves appears some small, grey spots. Also, if you knew how unusual it is to have serrated leaves that curl under like this tree… Also, mice and rabbits chew on the trees' bark during winter. Apple scab produced by the Venturia inaequalis. Sooty Blotch – Sooty blotch is a non-lethal but blemishing fungus that affects the fruit of an apple tree.