They’re very similar in looks but it’s the sheer size that gives it away. The Prince (Agaricus augustus) earned it’s name (both common and latin) from the Roman emperor. 4:07. Stem shaggy below the ring; cap variously colored; most spores either shorter (6–6.5 µm) or longer (8–9 µm) than above. problematic. 161. 160. 161. It is also said that the Smith’s amanita smells of old socks and not the almond-like smell of the Agaricus augustus. The cap cuticle is dry, and densely covered with concentrically arranged, brown-coloured scales on a white to yellow background. Agaricus campestris. Agaricus augustus is fairly easily identified by its large size, its scaly brown cap, and its strong odor, which is sharp and reminiscent of almonds. Our book work done, I confirmed that I was confident that these specimens were Agaricus augustus, considered to be a very fine edible (indeed the cover of Mushrooms Demystified confirms this). Agaricus augustus. A few similar species can be eliminated by adding the Prince's white-then-brown (never pink) gills to the list of distinguishing features, along with its scaly stem. How to tell an edible agaricus from a poisonous one - Duration: 2 ... Identifying The Prince, Agaricus augustus - Duration: 4:07. Agaricus julius. When the gills are white, confusion with poisonous Amanitas could also be possible, so very young specimens are best avoided by novice foragers Use as a food Must be cooked and can be used exactly as a cultivated mushroom. Identification problems, quality control problems. This was his favourite mushroom, and I can’t blame him really. Often it fruits later than the Prince, but sometimes also side by side. However, the Prince (Agaricus augustus) is almond scented and has a more reddish look than the cold, grayish tone of Agaricus moelleri. Boletus edulis group Good market mushroom. Competes with cultivated button mushroom. Agaricus augustus. Armillaria species * High risk, not suitable. Causes occasional GI upset. This is the most abundant Agaricus in the Seattle area. I stated that I, myself, had eaten these mushrooms in the past and found them to be delicious; I would happily eat these, had I found them, after going through the identification process we had used. Identification problems, tolerances unknown. Agaricus didymus. Suitable for dried product. Initially I had confused this mushroom with a typical brown wood mushroom which is understandable. 160. 161. Do not confuse Agaricus Augustus with the poisonous Amanita smithiana or Smith’s amanita. Cap light brown; most spores 8–9 µm long. The cap shape is hemispherical during the so-called button stage, and then expands, becoming convex and finally flat, with a diameter of up to 22 cm (8.7 in). The fruiting bodies of Agaricus augustus are large and distinctive agarics. Stem more or less smooth below the ring; cap yellowish brown to orangish brown; most spores 7–8 µm long. It is unlikely to be confused with any of the poisonous Agaricus due to the brown scaling on its cap. Wild Food UK 11,114 views. Like Agaricus augustis, the Smith’s amanita has a scaly stem with a ring around it but the spores are white, not dark brown like Agaricus augustus. Quality control issues. problematic.