4. If you have 105 grams of KNO3 at 60oC and the solution is cooled to 30oC- how many grams of KNO3 will precipitate from the solution? B. (1) 5.0 g (2) 17 g (3) 30. g (4) 50. g 45.8 grams at 30 °C. One hundred grams of water is saturated with NH 4 Cl at 50 o C. According to Table G, if the temperature is lowered to 10 o C, what is the total amount of NH 4 Cl that will precipitate? These data were determined empirically by … If you have 105 grams of KNO3 at 60C and the solution is cooled to 30C, how many grams of KNO3 will precipitate from the solution? Explain. 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Temperature/Celsuis O KI NaNO3 KNO3 Ce2(SO4)3 NH3 KClO3 NH4Cl KCl NaCl Reading a Solubility Chart 1) The curve shows the # of grams of solute in a saturated solution containing 100 mL or 100 g of water at a certain temperature. Using your printed graph, tell iF each oF these solutions would be saturated or unsaturated: a. Explain. My graph is not very precise, but I have estimated as follows: At 50°C, 200g water will dissolve 175g KNO3. 5. 3. 110g oF KNO3 in 100g oF water at 40°C b. Explain. 5. 2) Any amount of solute below the line indicates If we look up KNO3 in the table, we find that KNO3 has a solubility of 77 g/100 mL at 40 °C. 60g oF KNO3 in 100g oF water at 70°C c. 140g oF KNO3 in 200g oF water at 60°C 4. How many grams of KNO3 would be needed to saturate 200 grams of water at 70*C? The results were from a solubility graph. A. 3 completely dissolve in 100 g of water at 40°C? Explain. The solubility graph is a very useful tool because it tells you the amount of potassium nitrate that can be dissolved per "100 mL" of water in order to have a saturated solution of potassium nitrate at a given temperature. 30g If you have 50 g of NaNO3 in 100 g of water at 10 C you have an unsaturated solution. According to your graph, will 120 g of KNO. i am doing a lab that involves creating a graph (solubility in g/100mL vs temperature of KNO3) i had no trouble creating the graph, but one of the analysis questions asks: according to your graph, which of the following mixtures is a saturated solution and which is an unsaturated solution? 57 g If you have 50 g of NaNO3 in 100 g of water at 10 oC you have an unsaturated solution. According to your graph, will 50 g oF KNO3 completely dissolve in 100 g oF water at 50°C? About "110 g". … Using your trendline equation, how many grams of KNO3 will dissolve in 100 g … According to your graph, about how many grams of KNO 3 will dissolve in 100 g of water at 300C? 2. According to your graph, will 50 g of KNO3 completely dissolve in 100 g of H2O at 50 °C? The approximate answers are. 6. 110 g of KNO3 in 100 g of H2O at 40 °C. At 20°C, 200g water will dissolve 63.4g KNO3. 3. Therefore, 120 g will not dissolve completely in 100 mL at 40 °C. According to your graph, will 120 g of KNO 3 completely dissolve in 100 mL of water at 50°C? 1) 86 g 2) 43 g 3) 268 g 4) 134 g C. 140 g of KNO3 in 200 g of H2O at 60 °C. 110 grams at 60 °C. Your tool of choice here will be the solubility graph for potassium nitrate, "KNO"_3, in water. 60 g of KNO3 in 100 g of H2O at 70 °C. 0 0 3. 5) Now you need a solubility graph for KNO3 . Mass of water used to dissolved each NH 4 Cl sample: 5.0 g Amount of NH 4 Cl dissolved, g Temperature of NH 4 Cl crystallization, ºC Solubility, g of NH 4 Cl/100 g H 2 O 3.5 87.8 3.0 59.5 2.5 51.5 2.0 30.4 a) Calculate the solubility of NH 4 Cl, in grams of NH 4 Cl per 100 g … The difference is 111.6g of KNO3 will precipitate . 138 grams at 70 °C.