The U.S. could be the next country to take advantage. Burning wood creates a lot of dust emissions," says Arvesen. A federal spending bill that passed the House of Representatives The U.S. could be the next country to take advantage. Hence, deforestation has a high impact on climate change. When we burn wood, we’re releasing carbon into the atmosphere that might have otherwise been stored in that form for years, decades or centuries. Cherubini thinks more research is needed in this area. With 38% of particle emissions coming from this source, the city … Gunn co-authored a 2010 study that concluded the amount of carbon released per unit of energy is actually greater for forest biomass than it is for fossil fuels. Worryingly, domestic wood-burning is now the UK’s single largest source of PM2.5 emissions. Over the last decade the city has been plagued by winter smogs from home wood burning. Burning Wood Declared CO2-Neutral in Vermont: Proponents of more wood burning, to achieve the Comprehensive Energy Plan, CEP, goal of “90% RE of All Energy by 2050”, are engaging in a fantasy by simply declaring, “Burning wood is CO2-neutral”. The difference of opinion regarding CO2 emissions from wood burning is not among scientists, but between scientists and wood burning proponents. By Madeleine Cuff. Burning wood to fuel power stations can create as many harmful carbon emissions as burning coal, according to a government report. Burning wood produces emissions that are widely recognized as harmful to human health. Wood burning is turning into a major loophole in controlling carbon emissions. Burning of lignite emits nearly 100 % more carbon dioxide with respect to the energy content than burning of natural gas. Wood-Burning Emissions Threaten Lung Health. People with lung disease face special risks, but so do children, older adults, people with cardiovascular disease and diabetics. Even natural fuels such as wood or peat have high specific emissions, if they are not used sustainable. Trend for wood burning stoves pushes pollution from domestic heating to record levels Particulate matter from domestic sources hits highest level since 1990 . Many of these harmful emissions can occur both indoors and outdoors and many devices operate around the clock.