Spray a third time with the broad-leaf weed killer seven days following the second spraying. The second reason is that Johnson grass sends rhizomes (roots that grow new plants) up to 275 feet in all directions. Rototill the entire area seven days after the third broad-leaf spraying, exposing as many of the roots as possible. The amount of glyphosate needed to kill specific weeds can vary depending on the species of plants and size at the time of application. The name “Johnsongrass” refers to Colonel William Johnson, who introduced this species to his river-bottom farm in Alabama in the 1840s. This approach is more for the 'lawn care' soldiers who want to "tame" nature like spraying a cat in the face with a waterbottle to teach it a lesson. Two phrases you need to remember when dealing with Johnson Grass - Highly Fertilized and Highly Stressed. Can I Use Herbicides to Remove Johnson Grass? Regular herbicides found on the market can kill Johnson grass. Control In Corn I cut the johnson grass off about 6" tall and daub the stump with the roundup concentrate. Tractor Supply Company sells a 50 percent glyphosate product called Weed and Grass Killer. Nowadays, you’ll find it in many parts of the world, crowding out desirable plants, destroying food and shelter for wildlife, and causing trouble for farmers and ranchers. Johnson grass self propagates through seeds and large rooting rhizomes. I used to use a Spiedel Weed Wiper with Roundup going over the top of cotton to kill johnsongrass and it worked like a champ. There are two reasons Johnson grass is so hard to kill. 100% control. Posted 07 September 2014 - 05:38 PM Johnson grass is a prolific seed producer. Answer: You can use a pre emergent called Pendulum 3.3 EC which is labeled to treat Johnson grass in … I chose to do this on two dry, hot days. Again, follow manufacturer's instructions for mixing strength, and soak the leaves of the grass you want killed. About the time we were looking for the best way to wipe Roundup for johnsongrass control, Poast and Fusilade came along in the early 1980s, and they could be sprayed over the top of cotton and soybeans (and we preached yet another funeral for johnsongrass). Larry Parr has been a full-time professional freelance writer for more than 30 years. The weed got its name from a farmer who introduced the species to his farm in Alabama in 1840s, Colonel William Johnson. One is that a single plant can produce up to 80,000 seeds in … Precision control for maximum accuracy. However, the Johnson grass took over before the common/costal began to grow. Unfortunately, the eradication of Johnson Grass is not possible by applying only a herbicide. Broadleaf herbicides, on the other hand, kill just about everything except grasses, while some, including Whitetail Institute’s Slay, kill a variety of broadleafs except clover and alfalfa. Johnsongrass is a warm-season perennial grass weed that is hated by agricultural farmers because its presence reduces yields in corn, grain sorghum, soybean, cotton, and leguminous forages. To entirely kill off Bermuda grass from your fescue lawn, you need a systemic weed grass killer. It forms a weed barrier to prevent johnsongrass weed seeds—not to mention other listed grass and broadleaf weed seeds—from sprouting and growing for up to 6 months. For 25 years he wrote cartoons for television, everything from "Smurfs" to "Spider-Man." Columbus grass, Couch, Elastic grass, Guinea grass, Johnson grass, Kikuyu, Paspalum, Phalaris 400 or 800g/ha 40 or 80g/100L 6 or 12g/15L For roadside applications confine treatment to the area between the edge of the bitumen and the roadside shoulder. Be sure to use gloves as roundup causes cancer according to some studies. Several states have legislated requirements for control of this noxious weed. Johnson grass does not infest areas of high natural quality heavily except for the naturally disturbed environment such as along river banks where it is difficult to control selectively. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! In 1830, johnsongrass was introduced to the United States as a forage crop. A single application of a herbicide is not enough to be an effective Johnson Grass killer and it seldom removes weed populations from a … Even if you wick it or burn it down with Roundup, you will still have a seed bed in the ground that will come up the following year. Mow the Johnson grass as low as possible. Outrider Herbicide by Monsanto is a water-dispersible granule (WDG) used for selective pre-emergent and post-emergent control of grassy and broadleaf weeds in non-crop lands and sites that might require bare ground vegetation management, such as utility rights-of-way, airports, roadsides, fence rows, and more. These grass-like plants are extremely versatile. And also a new one called Pastora will work. Follow manufacturer's instructions for mixing strength. Once you've gone under the root with the trowel, pull out the clump of grass with the root attached, and toss it in a bag. Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the United States. Growing early-maturing crops, plowing immediately after harvest, and tilling as needed are common methods to break up … Ortho® Weed B Gon® Plus Crabgrass Control is guaranteed to kill crabgrass, dandelions, and other listed common lawn weeds right down to the root.