Both options include free shipping and 2 day guaranteed delivery. Wicked Edge. It was designed with very exacting standards to consistently deliver an incredible, razor sharp edge every time. Trust us, the Wicked Edge Sharpener is … $94.50 to $214.50. The Wicked Edge sharpener with the quartz stone base is the best value you will find anywhere. After several months of brainstorming and trial-and-error, the Wicked Edge Precision Sharpener was born in Clay's garage. 10 years later, the Wicked Edge is widely regarded as the best knife sharpening system in the world. Item # WE100PR118024. $699.00. While the results … "Change the way you think about knife sharpening!" Buy It Now. The Wicked Edge is a precision engineered, manual sharpening machine. Wicked Edge Pro Pack 2. $499.00. Naniwa Chosera Stones Pack for Wicked Edge Sharpening Systems … 10 years later, the Wicked Edge is widely regarded as the best knife sharpening system … Founded by Clay Allison in 2007, Wicked Edge was inspired by a desire to achieve a perfect, lasting knife edge using a system that allowed that edge to be repeated. Free shipping. Wicked Edge Pro Pack 1. 18+ watchers. Shapton Pro Kuromaku Stones Pack for Wicked Edge Sharpening Systems 220-30000. Item # WE120PR218024. Brand New. If you need a complete sharpening system, a hard-to-find sharpening stone, or just a replacement wheel, if it is related to sharpening…