[3][4], Several in vitro studies have shown that zapotin has potential anticarcinogenic effects against isolated colon cancer cells.[3][5]. The seeds are supposed to be a narcotic if your dog eats them he'll probaly be triping & Vera-Caletti P. 2010. In the past 40 years, experiments have been carried out on the white sapote's seeds that have yielded the identity of many pharmacologically active compounds, including: N-methylhistamine, N,N-dimethylhistamine, and histamine. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions If you bought it unripe, you can still leave it a couple of days more on the counter to ripen. Eating the fruit can cause drowsiness, so better not … Economic Botany White Sapote. Board Links: MOH!! One source says it is best eaten in sections served with cream and sugar. The narcotic property of the seeds was first identified as an alkaloid by Dr. Jesus Sanchez of Mexico in his thesis, Breve estudio sobre la almendra del zapote blanco, in 1893; and, in 1898, it was made the subject of chemical study by an especially appointed commission. The seed of the botanically unrelated white sapote (Casimiroa edulis), on the other hand, can be fatally toxic, says alkapal. Don’t eat that sapote seed until you do more research!!! Some of the white sapote trees produce fruit year-round. It contains from one to five seeds that are said to have narcotic properties. Interdisciplinary in scope, Economic Botany bridges the gap between pure and applied botany by focusing on the uses of plants by people. So why would you want to grow one? The tea was taken as a sedative to induce sleep and as a narcotic. This item is part of JSTOR collection The fruit has long been thought to produce drowsiness, as claimed by Francisco Hernández de Toledo in the 16th century,[6] but this may be a misinterpretation of the Nahuatl name of the plant, cochitzapotl (meaning '"sleep-sapote"), as its seeds were processed to produce a poison by the Aztecs, and the seeds and leaves, but not fruit pulp of the plant, contain sleep-inducing compounds. Unlike the mamey sapote, white sapote is a member of the family Rutaceae, to which citrus belongs. physics, engineering, mathematics, computer sciences, and economics. Sapote as spice Check if it’s ripe by pressing your thumb on its flesh – if it yields, it means it’s ripe and ready to be eaten. White sapote is relatively perishable, which means that you need to be careful with it once you get it home. The foremost publication of its kind in this field, Economic Botany documents the rich relationship that has always exixted between plants and people around the world, encompassing the past, present, and potential uses of plants. These seeds have a bitter taste and are known to be narcotic. The issues contain original research articles, review articles, book reviews, annotated bibliotheca, notes on economic plants, and instructions to contributors. It also contains 2′,5,6-trimethoxyflavone, 2′, 6',5,6,-tetramethoxyflavone (zapotin), and 5-hydroxy-2′,6,7-trimethoxyflavone (zapotinin). – Usages du sapotier blanc (, This page was last edited on 7 October 2020, at 04:20. The white sapote (Casimiroa edulis), also called casimiroa and Mexican apple,[1] and known as cochitzapotl in the Nahuatl language (meaning "sleep-sapote") is a species of tropical fruiting tree in the family Rutaceae, native to eastern Mexico and Central America south to Costa Rica. ©2000-2020 ITHAKA. Mature C. edulis trees range from 5–16 m (16–52 ft) tall and are evergreen. One of the investigators, Alfonso Altimirano, reported the isolation of a glucoside as a pale yellow, amorphous mass, at first sweet but …