What does ethics mean to you? Consider how I want to be remembered at the end of my life. Being ethical means having a code of behavior that governs what you will or will not do, based upon what you consider in some sense to be good or bad, and then sticking to that code of behavior. Obviously, it’s not to be known as a cheat or thief, or someone who uses others to get my way. Describe a time you were faced with an ethical dilemma. ... internal ethical standards. Do you remember when you used to be able to weigh out the amount of food you wanted to buy, from a big drum? . Act the way I would want others to act towards me. You could use “good” and “bad” if you want. What does living an ethical life mean to you? To live an ethical life to me means to live in a way that is harmful to neither oneself nor others, and to act and speak honestly. In my mind, an ethical person will actively oppose what is unethical. Michael D. Burroughs: The Significance of Ethics and Ethics Education in Daily Life; Dolly Chugh: How to let go of being a “good” person — and become a better person; Using the video you watched, answer the following questions: What does living an ethical life mean to you? Welcome to an Ethical Life . We recommend that you hold this presentation on ethics as an important cornerstone of your Integral Life Practice. Well that concept was lost many years ago when we were introduced to 'plastic' and 'disposable'. i.e. Posted by Anthony August 19, 2020 Posted in Psychology Tags: Assignment help, College Essays, dilemma, Essayhelp, ethical, Homeworkhelp . I should say a blurb about dealing with unethical or harmful actions. Or for the people who don’t like these adjectives because they seem to evoke a kind of religious faith, and an invisible, foreign authority, you could simply call it “what makes sense when living in a shared society.” Ethical determination does not … In many ways, ethics represents both the first and final word in any authentically-lived life, where the fruits of our practice ripen, fall to the ground, and … For me, it’s that I did what I could to make the world a better place by living up to the ethical values that guide my life’s decisions. Describe a time you were faced with an ethical dilemma. The ultimate rubric: does it harm me or someone else? Thankfully Ethics is an honest insightfulness into one's own thought-processes and an intellectual appreciation of what one considers to be acceptable behaviour. What choices did you face, and how did you decide what to do? (Acceptable to oneself - not neccessarily society's standards).