"name": "The Rainmakers", "streetAddress": "1520 Grand", "location": { "streetAddress": "Maridalsveien 3", "typicalAgeRange": "All Ages", "name": "Light Up the Lawn at the Nerman Museum", The statement is in Norwegian. } "name": "Lindberg’s", "@type": "Event", "location": { "@type": "PostalAddress", Change ). "typicalAgeRange": "No Minors", "typicalAgeRange": "No Minors", "name": "The Rainmakers" "startDate": "2017-03-22T20:00:00", Here’s the official statement about the cancellation on the Norwegian Wood website. "name": "The Rainmakers", "addressLocality": "0178 Oslo", "typicalAgeRange": "All Ages", ", "@type": "Organization", { "url": "http://www.rainmakers.com/2017/02/upcoming-gigs/", We’ve just gotten confirmation on our gigs for the New Year’s weekend. ", }, "postalCode": "67202", } "description": "Chris Meck and the Guilty Birds will open the show at 8:30 and we’ll go on about 9:30. "name": "The Rainmakers" "addressRegion": "MO", "address": { This is shaping up to be quite a fun event! "name": "The Rainmakers", Sadly, the Norwegian Wood music festival, where the Rainmakers were to perform on June 16, has been canceled. "url": "http://www.rainmakers.com/2017/02/upcoming-gigs/", We play at 9:30, with two other bands preceding us. The headliner that evening is Jo Nesbø’s band Di Derre. "addressRegion": "MO", This is a chance to see us in a family-friendly atmosphere, one that probably slips under the radar for most Kansas City-area music announcements. Consisting of multiple instruments and layered vocals, Rain Makers bring the songs to their full dynamic potential. "addressLocality": "Mosvik", We were joined by our friends The Nace Brothers, and it was totally fun. } The Rainmakers is an Iron Maiden cover band. "description": "More info to come. "addressCountry": "United States" { "location": { staff; Links; Karnak. ", "address": { "location": { Loving Her Was Easier by The Rainmakers was written by Kris Kristofferson and was first released by Waylon Jennings in 1971. "name": "R Barn", "url": "http://www.rainmakers.com/2017/02/upcoming-gigs/", "name": "Knucklehead’s", "performers": { { SOLD OUT! Rainmakers at Tiblow Days festival in Bonner Springs KS, official statement about the cancellation on the Norwegian Wood website. We are really excited to get to play the prestigious Norwegian Wood music festival in Oslo this coming June 16! The Rainmakers released it on the album Cover Band in 2015. "addressLocality": "Kansas City", Details, including tickets and accommodations, can be found at TheFinalGig.com. "url": "http://therecordbar.com/", "addressLocality": "Overland Park", "@type": "Place", It’s a long way away…. "performers": { }, It was a totally fun gig when we played there a few years ago. "startDate": "2017-06-03T19:00:00", The Rainmakers were a country rock and roll band, that was built around their enigmatic main writer, Bob Walkenhorst. Steve Schmidt – Guitar, Harmonica, Keys, Vocals Chris Probst – Lead Guitar Heather Evans – Lead Vocals Justin Holman – Lead Vocals, Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, Percussion Steve Ambrosius… Everybody should buy!!!!! } "addressLocality": "Wichita", 41515; CD). "@type": "PostalAddress", "name": "Langfj\u00e6ran Arena, Inder\u00f8y", "@type": "Organization", "@context": "http://schema.org", It was a totally fun gig when we played there a few years ago. "description": "This is planned to be our final gig in Norway–in Europe, for that matter. ", } "performers": { "addressCountry": "United States" "@context": "http://schema.org", "name": "The Rainmakers", }, }, "offers": { Read all about it at The Final Gig website. "typicalAgeRange": "All Ages", "name": "Bellman Pub", "@type": "Place", } "name": "The Rainmakers" "@type": "Event", Unplugged show at a coffee house. "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Place", "name": "The Rainmakers", } "name": "Barleycorns", { "@type": "Place", We play at 9:30, with two other bands preceding us. "@type": "Place", Label: Bat Records (4) - BAT41515 • Format: CD Album • Country: US • Genre: Rock • The Rainmakers - Cover Band (2015, CD) | Discogs Rainmakers Plan with Justin. "address": { "@type": "Event", These remade songs are known as cover songs.New or unknown bands often find the format marketable for smaller venues, such as pubs, clubs or parks. "@type": "Organization", "postalCode": "64668", "name": "The Rainmakers", Consisting of multiple instruments and layered vocals, Rain Makers bring the songs to their full dynamic potential. "telephone": "(316) 613-3773", "@type": "PostalAddress", { The festival was a great time! }, "postalCode": "64108", } "location": { "@type": "Event", }, A cover band (or covers band) is a band that plays songs recorded by someone else, sometimes mimicking the original as perfectly as possible, and sometimes re-interpreting or changing the original. More info to come. Only one bad Thing: The cover of the CD is terrible "@type": "Place", Unplugged show at a coffee house. On Sunday, New Year’s Eve, we will play a private party in Liberty, like last year. } { "postalCode": "64108", "@context": "http://schema.org", Until then, please be safe–wear a mask, keep your distance, wash your hands. "startDate": "2017-08-18T20:00:00", "name": "The Rainmakers", "addressRegion": "MO", "performers": { "url": "http://www.rainmakers.com/2017/02/upcoming-gigs/", Come on out and see us! "performers": { Saturday, August 24, the Rainmakers will play a festival in Bonner Springs, Kansas. "performers": { Langfj\u00e6ren is a beautiful location northeast of Trondheim, and it’s a private concert organized by some of our dearest friends. } "streetAddress": "318 W. Commercial Street", "@type": "PostalAddress", "startDate": "2017-03-24T20:00:00", }, }, "@type": "PostalAddress", "@type": "PostalAddress", There is an automatically-translated version here, on their Facebook page. }, Unfortunately, those gigs and our usual late fall lineup (Thanksgiving weekend, etc.)