the idea of SynthDef arguments being function arguments seems conceptually elegant, but in the real world, SynthDef arguments are different things from function arguments because they are tagged with additional info — default values, argument rates (kr/ar/ir/tr), and even a ControlSpec in a future version of SC. License. I have been working on this for a while. What it does is defined in a SynthDef, which specifies what UGens are used and how they are patched together. I’m working on a SuperCollider, Processing 3 interaction. For an excellent Python + SuperCollider live coding environment, check out FoxDot var mic =, 1), amplitude =; > 0.2, 0, amplitude); A Synth is the client-side representation of a synth node on the server. A made a very serious "hmmmmmm" sound when I got to the bit about ports. See also. ATK with SynthDef and Synth. Whenever a certain frequency is played from a synth, a shape appears in the Processing window, but when the frequency is not being played, the shape does not appear on the screen. If you want a more comprehensive framework that lets you construct and compile SynthDefs from Python, take a look at Supriya. Here’s a nice example adapted from the first chapter of the SuperCollider book.∗ As with the previous examples, don’t worry trying to understand everything. A Synth represents a single sound producing unit. Just enjoy the sound result andplaywiththenumbers. For a simple example, take the case of sending a message to the language when the microphone input's amplitude crosses a threshold. For a more in-depth overview of the paradigm of ATK and a complete presentation of its capabilities, see Introducing the Ambisonic Toolkit.These examples show a limited set of the ATK's functionality, but illustrate how to work with the library when using SynthDefs and Synths, and a single decoder that reads the Ambisonic signal through audio bus routing. Description. Here is the code that came with the example: Update: Processing is comminucating on port 57150 while Super Collider is expecting communication on 57110.I am not sure how to change it, but I am going to research now and will update this comment with my findings. This library is made available under the terms of the MIT license. I would really appreciate any help. ... //SynthDef : how to make a function with audio //use SynthDef (not Synthdef or synthDef) to make an audio-related code with var and arg. Please read the SuperCollider documentation if you’d like to know more. It also specifies what inputs and outputs the Synth will have. A SynthDef is essentially your digital instrument and FoxDot creates players that use these instruments with your guidance. FoxDot provides a Python interface to SuperCollider – mainly as a quick and easy to use abstraction for SuperCollider classes, Pbind and SynthDef. SuperCollider is a code-based audio freeware, and it is the main program I use for my performance and composition. For further examples, see examples.