GB Images and text that are the property of The Tapas Lunch Company are copyright and must We’re up to our necks in veg – not that I’m complaining, you understand! Your email address will not be published. Another great and adaptable Spanish vegetable is the seemingly humble courgette. Tapas är ursprungligen synonymt med en avslappnad, lätt måltid i goda vänner lag, och det är därför ett alla tiders val till en social sammankomst eller festlig ledighet. Buffémat. Som välkomst-tilltugg eller till ett glas vin eller dryck så är ett förslag att ha 1-4 stycken tapas. Just to let you know that our website uses cookies to power your shopping experience. This website is owned and operated by The Tapas Lunch Company Ltd, VDepot, Honingham Thorpe Estate, Norwich Thanks, Elle! As part of the diet I live at times… I stock up on courgettes (zucchini for our American readers). You’ll get a dose of omega-3 with smoked mackerel, courgette & butter bean salad, or enjoy courgettes in thick ribbons with goat’s cheese for a filling, summery salad. Det mest förekommande tapasen är skivor med olika sorters ost och skinka, friterad fisk och skaldjur i marinad, men även en skål marinerade oliver eller nötter kan räcka som tapas. Registered in England and Wales, Company No. not be reproduced without permission. Elle, along with Alan, is the owner of Spain Buddy and the busy web design business - Gandy-Draper. 5595951, VAT Reg. Comprehensive collection of Courgette recipes, tapas ideas and cooking guides, all with a Spanish flavour! 12:45 pm. This Spanish recipe is not a personal favourite, but it does go down well with guests. I’ll add those suggestions to my recipe book! Born a "Norverner", she then spent most of her life "Dann Saff" before moving to Spain in 2006. Du kan enkelt skapa traditionella tapas och inte minst den ohögtidliga atmosfären som hör till. Beroende på hur många och vilka smårätter du lagar så kan du bestämma själv hur mycket mat du ska bjuda på. Spanish Recipes – Sauces, soups, side dishes and salads, How to get your article published on Spain Buddy, Spanish Recipes - Sauces, soups, side dishes and salads, 1 courgette, cut into slices about 4 or 5 mm thick, Olive oil for pan frying (about an inch deep), Dip the slices of courgette in the flour, making sure they are evenly coated, Fry them in batches so you do not crowd the pan, Once golden brown, drain on kitchen paper. Hey there! Elle, along with Alan, is the owner of Spain Buddy and the busy web design business - Gandy-Draper.Born a "Norverner", she then spent most of her life "Dann Saff" before moving to Spain in 2006. Elle Draper June 26, 2013 @ We always grow courgettes, because they have so many uses – with all the rain that we had this spring everything has gone totally bonkers down in the huerto! Elle Draper Spanish Recipes, Spanish Recipes - Vegetarian. Med tapas på menyn är du säker på att skapa en autentisk, spansk stämning utan att använda timmar i köket. Bjud på spansk plockmat på festen. Soups are great, but this is a delicious recipe for using up any leftover veg. :-), Your email address will not be published. Smårätter. 2:31 pm. Relaterade recept. Alioli (garlic mayonnaise) is a great accompaniment for these. Spanish Recipes - Sauces, soups, side dishes and salads, Spanish Recipes - Vegetarian, Food & Drink, Spanish Recipes, Spanish Recipes - Fish/Seafood, Sue Sharpe June 26, 2013 @ Try them chopped into chunks… and oven baked or fried in the teeniest amount of olive oil in a large pan… then drizzle a little balsamic vinegar on them. Elle's loves are Alan, the internet, their three bouncing dogs, … A fresh courgette makes a great addition to a late summer salad. Some images and text used under licence. Tapas kommer från barkulturen i Spanien där man ville äta något snabbt och enkelt mellan drinkarna. Sue Sharpe June 26, 2013 @ Tapas - läckra smårätter med ursprung i det spanska köket, äts antingen som hel måltid eller tilltugg till drinken. Massor av läckra tapas. We won't spy on you or use your data for anything else other than to save your cart. Här hittar du våra recept på tapas! 8:18 am. Soothing soups Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ad2026c51659729c2f51f788de3d8dda" );document.getElementById("d27e5e05ef").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Yes, add me to your mailing list too please.