I wasn't sure if the Pace Arrow motor home had vacated its site or simply was out for an afternoon jaunt. Examples of Belittle in a sentence. When it comes to appetizers, the sauteed calamari is simply not to be missed. She could say what she did not think--especially what was flattering--quite simply and naturally. He simply squeezed her hand and said he would see her in a few hours. Maybe it was simply his confidence that impressed people. The root-hair end~ blindly and is simply an outgrowth from a surface cell, havin~ no cross-walls. We could decide today to end it—by, well, simply deciding to. "He wrote here that he took a great liking to you," he went on simply and calmly, evidently unable to understand all the complex significance his words had for living people. They are, however, so simply deducible from the results he has.given that all the four analogies may be properly called by his name. How much easier would it have been, if she simply accepted his love and walked away from the underworld? He simply hadn't wanted to face what his instincts told him. When Yancey's attention diverted to his mother, she simply shrugged. This is simply another form of trade, so some might accuse me of double counting some of my forty-three reasons war will end. He had simply gone back to the man he had been when they first met. Ctesias must certainly have known of it, and it is possible that he may have named it simply IIEpvac, after the people, as is undoubtedly done by certain writers of a somewhat later date.'. Sometimes, it simply means that you are a strong person. It simply has been enabled by technology combined with prosperity compounded over time. The Deans knew they couldn't simply keep Martha without reporting her arrival to the Midwest authorities that were searching for the girl as a kidnapping victim, and her mother as a fleeing fugitive. But Perugia had no mind simply to subserve the papal interests. Your cousins can simply never return from school one day. We cannot tell when the Sabbath became dissociated from the month; but the change seems to have been made before the Book of the Covenant, which already regards the Sabbath simply as an institution of humanity and ignores the new moon. She volunteered very little and acted uneasy when asked, so they simply let it drop. Nothing was seriously damaged, simply strewn about. She immediately told him about the incident with Jonathan and Alfonso and he simply nodded. Lind's anemometer, which consists simply of a U tube containing liquid with one end bent into a horizontal direction to face the wind, is perhaps the original form from which the tube class of instrument has sprung. The growth of an organic being is simply a process of enlargement, as a particle of dry gelatine may be swelled up by the intussusception of water; its death is a shrinkage, such as the swelled jelly might undergo on desiccation. We hoped he was simply seeking publicity; looking to see his name in national print. Definition of Simply. She looked so lovely in that garb that he simply stood and watched in silence. Betsy chatted away while Howie, as nervous as a groom, simply listened. Who knows but if men constructed their dwellings with their own hands, and provided food for themselves and families simply and honestly enough, the poetic faculty would be universally developed, as birds universally sing when they are so engaged? Maybe he felt excluded - or maybe he simply needed a little encouragement. Because television was radio with pictures, the first television shows were simply men in suits standing in front of microphones reading the news. To identify the simple subject in a sentence, ask yourself who or what performs the action in the sentence. We knew some of our tips never came to fruition simply because authorities lacked the probable cause to arrest the perpetrator. 3. The cells of hairs may have living contents or they may simply contain air. She relaxed in the luxury of leather seat covers and a smooth ride, content simply to watch him drive. Helen has the vitality of feeling, the freshness and eagerness of interest, and the spiritual insight of the artistic temperament, and naturally she has a more active and intense joy in life, simply as life, and in nature, books, and people than less gifted mortals. If people are going to think bad things about me, it won't matter whether I'm staying here at night or simply going out with him. Taran said nothing, simply tightened his grip around her. While we were sympathetic to dad, we decided after heated discussion simply tip what we learned. Did he arrange to have Alex out of the way, or was he simply taking advantage of the situation? Dean wanted to explain it was far more of a shock seeing a bloated Billie or Willie Wassermann with a head looking like a bleached basketball, but simply nodded instead. We call these rights "human rights" because they apply to every single person on the planet by virtue of simply being alive. Nothing felt right, so she decided to tuck her hands behind her back and simply lean against the wall. That theorizes if you travel in time and kill your grandfather before your father is conceived, would you simply not be? I'm not opposed to technology, I simply enjoy the work. We were all at risk, simply because we could identify him! Dean was sure Fred simply wanted to meet Jeffrey Byrne's wife and had suggested Cynthia Byrne come by the house for her husband's belongings. Probably the recognition and appointment of elders was simply the transfer from the synagogue to the Church of a usage which was regarded as essential among Jews; and the Gentile churches naturally followed the example of the Jewish Christians.