In data analysis it is often nice to look at all pairwise combinations of continuous variables in scatterplots. Find an R package R language docs Run R in your browser R Notebooks. Fast computation of indices of all pairwise element of a vector of length n. Usage pairwise_combination_indices(n, self = FALSE) Arguments n. A number giving the number of elements to create all pairwise indices from. Up until recently, I have used the function splom in the package lattice, but ggplot2 has superior aesthetics, I think anyway. I have also written some functions for calculating combinations and permutations in R, and shown examples of using the gtools package to list out all possible permutations; I wrote the functions to replicate the formulae in R. A note that Yamanaka-sensei, didn’t actually go about checking all the combinations. In this recipe we replace multiplication with string concatenation (paste), and the result is all combinations of strings. pairwise_combination_indices: Compute all pairwise combinations of indices In MESS: Miscellaneous Esoteric Statistical Scripts Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) Examples Compute all pairwise combinations of indices. mmollina/MAPpoly Construction of Genetic Linkage Maps in Autopolyploids. Package index. All pairwise combinations. self. Vignettes. For now I am doing something quite desperate with loops through each I am looking for a smart way to generate all pairwise combinations of two vectors of length n, where only one value is not zero. I agree that apply is in general a great approach. aq_standardize: Rescale AQ score given specific mean and variance import_sre: Import SRE dataset loo_table: table of LOO comparisons merge_data_and_posterior: Merge posterior predictions with data pairwise: All pairwise combinations pipe: Pipe operator pooled_sd: Hedges G posterior_aq_action_contrasts: Univariate form with renamed variables However, the method suggested by Seafoid and Keith of pre-creating all combinations with massively redundant numbers of rows might not scale to genome-scale numbers of SNPs if you're doing all combinations (say, N=500,000 or more). Search the mmollina/MAPpoly package. R: Generating All Pairwise Combinations of Strings Yao Yao on February 7, 2015. Check if all pairwise combinations of elements of input.seq are contained in twopt. A logical that determines whether a column should also be multiplied by itself. Here a few ways to accomplish the task: