Their house - onların ev-leri - evleri. Learn from captions and translations and enjoy access to ALL languages! It has three lessons and teaches how to express "my", "our", and "your" in Turkish, as well as give your name and an introduction to the third case, the genitive case. Possessive Suffixes in Turkish To say “my school”, “his car” in Turkish, we add certain suffixes to the word. Learn to read languages with interlinear bilingual books that include the original language and an English translation below in a smaller font. If you enjoy the tutorials, then please consider buying French, Informal French, Italian, Spanish, German, Swedish, or Dutch Language Tutorials as a PDF e-book with free mp3s and free lifetime updates. The room of the house --> E… Hundreds of free and paid online language learning video courses at Udemy. His house - onun ev-i - evi. Did you also notice that with for example, ´his car´ we wrote it as, ´arabaSı´....we added that letter ´s´. Learn Spanish, French, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese and English with authentic videos by Yabla that include subtitles and translations. Personal pronouns - Nominative case Personal pronouns - Accusative case Personal pronouns - Dative case Personal pronouns - Locative case Personal pronouns - Ablative case Possessive pronouns Demonstrative pronouns Interrogative pronoun kim (who?) Possessive is the ninth skill in the Turkish language tree. Thank you! (2) Pronouns in suffix form: Gidiyorum. I … That´s because the last letter of ´araba´ is a vowel ´a´ so we must drop the ´ı´ off the personal suffix. Select a subject and click the button "Presentation" . let´s look at ´house´ which is ´ev´ in turkish, What about ´Car´ which is ´araba´ in turkish, Their car - onların araba-ları - arabaları. Your house - sizin ev-iniz - eviniz. Our house - bizim ev-imiz - evimiz. FluentU offers authentic videos in French, Spanish, German, English, Chinese and Japanese. Bunun evi --> The house of this Şunun evi -->The house of that Onun evi -->The house of that Bunların evleri -->The house of these. Your car - senin araba-n - araban. The 8th lesson contains the Turkish pronouns including the subject, object and possessive forms. That again is because of the vowel at the end of ´araba´, we are simply just separating the vowels. Look at the personal suffixes added to ´araba´ and then look at the suffixes added to ´ev´.... Have you noticed that in ´my house´ for example, we wrote it as ´evIm´ but when we wrote, ´my car´ we wrote it as, ´arabaM´ and we left the ´ı´ out. anne - mother; mom (ending in a vowel) Possessive suffixes follow the rules of Vowel Harmony. By native speakers and experts, from Arabic to Zulu. Your house - senin ev-in - evin.  The suffix for “their” –leri/–ları remains unchanged even if the word ends in a consonant. your child - sizin çocuk-unuz - çocuğunuz, their child - onların çocuk-ları - çocukları. The pronouns in Turkish language (zamirler). Onların evleri -->The house of those. © Copyright 1997 - 2020 by Dr. Jennifer Wagner About | Blog | Affiliate Program | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy. Şunların evleri -->The house of those. Did you notice anything different? What about ´Car´ which is ´araba´ in turkish. I am going. Turkish Personal Pronouns "I, you, he/she/it, we, you, they" In Turkish the Personal Pronouns are two categories: (1) Stand-alone Pronouns: Ben gidiyorum. So instead of ´arabaım´ we just say, ´arabam´. Please consider sending a donation of any amount to help support