You'll get a copy of my Spanish Cooking Essentials checklist when you do! The polvoron, in reality, is basically a variation of the mantecado, so its origin is the same, but the places it is mainly made and eaten are clearly Andalusia, along with Castile and León (especially Tordesillas) and Navarra. Sep 24, 2017 - Christmas time screams cookies, and at my house the one sugar cookie that we love is our Puerto Rico authentic Polvorones or Mantecaditos recipe. After a great many samples, I’m still not really sure if I like them or not. Fascinated by food and its history. Son deliciosas y su tamaño es perfecto para comerlas como merienda con un cafecito. Our handy Language Resources section is here to help! Mantecados have been being made since the 16th century in Estepa and Antequera (there is still a difference between those who think they are from one area or the other). Even so, generally they are found in small shapes that can be eaten in one bite. We are excited to offer the finest mantecados and polvorones in the world! Especially popular during Christmastime, polvorones or mantecaditos are the Puerto Rican version of shortbread cookies. In other countries these desserts could have other characteristics and meanings. These delicious treats are a tradition in Southern Spain, a rich and festive confection traditionally served at for Christmas celebrations. While mantecados can be found at any time of year in Spain, polvorones are usually consumed at Christmas. You can get more information in our Cookies Policy. 2. Improve your grasp on grammar and vocab! Discover the story behind mantecados and polvorones, Spain’s favorite Christmas treats! In the first place, they are not made with the same ingredients. Home / Blog / What are Mantecados and Polvorones? What are Mantecados and Polvorones? Crecí comiendo estas galletitas y viendo cómo se vendían en bolsitas hasta en los semáforos. Has a co-worker offered you a crumbly treat this winter? Mantecados in some areas in Latin America and even in Spain, depending on what they are made for can be made to taste like ice cream, curiously enough still with a slightly earthy texture. Most likely they were a convent sweet (special sweets baked by nuns) in the 16th century, and when demand spread, so did production. Today nearly every family in Estepa has some involvement in the industry! Para cuidarnos del 'colesterol'. Polvorones are long and oval-shaped and their name comes from the powdered sugar used to coat them. Polvorones are long and oval-shaped and their name comes from the powdered sugar used to coat them. Mantecados and polvorones can come in a variety of flavors — popular versions include almond, orange, chocolate and lemon. Sometimes called polvorones puertorirqueños these festive cookies with sprinkles … Shape can help us distinguish between all of these desserts too. It’s likely that both of these treats have their roots in Andalusia, which is a region highly influences from Northern Africa. Dentro de la repostería española los mantecados y polvorones son un dulce tradicional que, aunque se comen durante todo el año, son especialmente consumidos en Navidad. Subscribe for free Spanish recipes weekly! And the results are always delicious! Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix flour and nutmeg in medium bowl. Mantecados and polvorones can come in a variety of flavors — popular versions include almond, orange, chocolate and lemon. Add that to the fact that apartments here don’t always come with ovens (we currently are stuck with a toaster oven) and baking can be virtually impossible. I think it’s sad that baking at home isn’t so common here in Spain. Spain’s Crumbly Version of Christmas Cookies. No Tienen los mismos ingredientes - En el mantecado la harina de trigo y almendra (en el caso de llevarla) nunca va tostada, en el polvorón, sí. Polvorones are sometimes topped with sprinkles or guava or just eaten plain. Sugar, butter, milk, flour... listo! Loves: a gooey slice of tortilla, fish markets, homemade cocktails, train travel. A diferencia de los polvorones, los mantecados son un dulce que se pueden consumir todo el año en muchas regiones españolas, sobretodo como postre después de una comida, o incluso en el desayuno. Polvorones are made with flour, lard, sugar and almonds; mantecados are also made with lard, but they have a larger variety of flavors, including cinnamon and they don’t use almonds; and lastly there is marzipan, which does contain almonds but which also uses potatoes and sugar. This delicacy is rooted in Spanish culinary traditions that are very much alive on the island. Try this recipe for mantecados and make up your own mind. Here in Spain people don’t usually do much baking. This is good news for my waistline, but quite frustrating when I want to eat something calorie filled and delicious! ¡Mantecados y polvorones!… Os confieso que cuando era pequeña no me atraían mucho, prefería lanzarme en picado a por el turrón de chocolate.Sin embargo ahora estos dulces navideños me vuelven loca. Los mantecaditos o polvorones posiblemente el dulce más humilde y accesible de la Navidad, por lo que nunca falta en ninguna mesa en esas fechas, sea cual sea su condición social. Set aside. Hay que decir que actualmente hay variedades de mantecados y polvorones de Estepa hechos con aceite de oliva en lugar de manteca. And then there’s marzipan, which can be found in a great many shapes; there are the “saint’s bones” which are long and thin (like a tibia bone), the ones called “pan de Cádiz” (or bread from Cadiz) and many other varieties. If you continue browsing, we consider that you accept their use. Check out my food tours at However, I didn’t even touch them and neither did anyone else. Because we know that Learning Spanish is a lot more than just the language, we've made a section about the rich Spanish Culture! Hates: Overhyped restaurants, wine snobs, long menus, mediocrity. Ours are the finest available, made with almonds, Ibérico shortening and not much else. Mantecados and polvorones can come in a variety of flavors — popular versions include almond, orange, chocolate and lemon. Aunque ambos dulces son típicos de las navidades, el mantecado puede ser consumido en cualquier época del año mientras que el polvorón se restringe únicamente a las épocas navideñas.