The use of brick, concrete block, cut stone, integral colour concrete, ceramic tile, stamped concrete and similar durable, dust free, hard surfaced materials should be considered for decorative paving applications. That is, are there signs or other visual cues that convey information about it? Speed bumps are discouraged as traffic control devices within developments. Don’t count on retail or anchors alone to drive traffic. The market is now also demanding an environment where the basic aspects of daily life can be accommodated in a way that is convenient and enjoyable. Additionally, pedestrian facilities should provide an attractive quality environment with integrated landscaping, shading, lighting, surface treatment and other amenities. Conversely, there centres, which many would say, are unattractive, yet they are very successful. (8) Do people tend to pick up litter when they see it? Courtyards are enhanced by the use of decorative paving materials, integrated landscaping, built-in benches and low walls for seating, pedestrian scale lighting, and public art, including decorative water features. Long-term two wheeler parking facilities re-attractive for employees working in the mall where people leave two wheeler for all or part of a day. Loading docks should be located away from the street and screened from public view. (1) Is the entrance visible from a distance? As per the Design Guidelines and City Standard Details and Specifications, the design of refuse enclosures should be compatible with the site development and otherwise meet all requirements of the city’s solid waste programme. Thin raised strips of asphalt placed perpendicular to the flow of traffic have the effect of slowing traffic due to the potential for causing injury or loss of vehicular control at normal speeds. • Specialty Shops • Restaurants • Discount • Value. Driveway entrances are required to address engineering standards for safety and efficiency, including minimum setback from corner, minimum separation distance between driveways, and alignment with turn lanes and median breaks. (4) Is there appropriate weather protection (umbrellas, shelters)? (5) Do they bring visitors to this place? Five ingredients of successful mall design 1. Shopping Mall and Commercial Building Design Architectural Services: By ArcMax Architects & Planners, Skype ID: arcmaxarchitects, Client Helpline: +91-9898390866, +91-9753567890, Email:, At ArcMax Architects, we understand that planning shopping malls and commercial buildings is not an easy task. Depending on the scale of the development, there should be an appropriate system of internal vehicular circulation routes based on a hierarchy of drive aisles and cross routes so as to address efficient, safe movement and parking throughout the site. Large spray type fountains with exposure to strong wind patterns should be avoided due to high evaporation rates. Shopping Centers Planning & Design Data 2. Private development should work with the city to coordinate the location and design of attractive bus shelters and other types of transit facilities adjacent to commercial centers. Where covered parking is integrated with landscape islands, the canopy structure should be setback from any adjacent landscape area for a sufficient distance to allow adequate tree and plant growth. This would include architecture, interior designs, amenities planning, utilities planning, atmospherics design and civil constructions etc. Narrow speed bumps are the least desirable type of traffic calming device and should be avoided since speed bumps can cause loss of control of the vehicle at higher speeds. Using attractive paving material for the drop-off zone, such as paving blocks or coloured concrete, can help define the drop-off zone. Drop-off zones should be integrated into the design of the commercial centers with attractive paving, adequate separation of vehicles and pedestrians, and convenient location near building entrances. Feb 17, 2016 - Barry Maitland takes us on a tour of shopping malls in North America and Europe with intricate cross-sections and plans, and black and photographs of fabulous interiors. Privacy Policy 8. (7) Does the design of place relate to and support events that take place there? Parking canopies provide much appreciated shade for vehicles in the hot desert environment. In addition, driveway entrances should be aligned with on-site circulation routes in a coherent and safe manner. A lot of this change was caused by the fact that most of the catch up to demand had been fulfilled in the 60s and early 70s and hence to achieve a successful shopping center one had to compete with various other retail opportunities. The use of traffic calming techniques is encouraged within commercial developments. The plan using AutoCAD, modeling of the structure, analysis by seismic coefficient method and design of some selective parts of the shopping mall using ETABS and manual design calculation satisfying the necessary requirements as per BIS specification as well as various Indian standard code specifications have been presented above. Design by; Muzammil A. Fathekhan Rahul R. Aralikatti Nabivulla Nadaf Satish Bellagi Often poor regard for the surrounding environment. The function and appearance of pedestrian facilities should be considered in areas around buildings, within parking lots, with connecting routes and throughout the site. Covered parking structures should be designed to be compatible with the surrounding development. (4) Do several types of activities occur; for example, walking, eating, relaxing, reading, socializing, meetings, etc.? Interconnected walkways within a development should be designed with complimentary materials, colours and design features, including unified landscape patterns, similar shading strategies, integrated infrastructure elements and a consistent theme for paving materials. It is the principal objective of the Shopping Center Development that a quality pedestrian environment is provided in all types of development. Content Guidelines 2. Safe convenient vehicular circulation should be provided within commercial developments. (6) Does the space and surrounding area feel safe? These design features are intended to slow traffic and divert any cut through traffic so as to provide a safer and more attractive environment for people.