Sign in here to access free tools such as favourites and alerts, or to access personal subscriptions, If you have access to journal content via a university, library or employer, sign in here, Research off-campus without worrying about access issues. An integrative review was chosen because it allowed the inclusion of studies with diverse methodologies (for example, qualitative and quantitative research) in the same review (Cooper, 1989; Whittemore, 2005; Whittemore and Knafl, 2005). The process proceeded as follows: first, one researcher (V.K.) We may know risk factors of a particular population or age group, have an idea of problems frequently seen in our schools, or have an idea of what we think is important. We need to consider the next domain of learning—the affective domain. Many nurses tend to teach as they were taught without thinking about the theoretical base underpinning the educational process or taking adequate time to plan engaging presentations that will enhance learning. The data examined herein originated from methodologically diverse research. Burge and Fair, 2003; Irvine, 2005; Whitehead, 2009). It is one of the most important tools school nurses have in teaching students, families, and staff about health. For more information view the SAGE Journals Article Sharing page. Studies were included in the integrative review if they met the following criteria: the language had to be English, Swedish or Finnish, as translators for other languages were not available and the papers had to be published in peer-reviewed journals and describe nurses' health promotion roles, knowledge or skills and/or factors that contributed to nurses' ability to implement health promotion in nursing delivered through hospital or primary health-care services. Manipulation of materials is essential for learning psychomotor skills necessary to perform health-related behaviors. “Standard XI. The final stage is evaluation, or being able to determine the adequacy of the diet on a more global level and making recommendations for modifications based on numerous factors considered during the evaluation process. This gives students a new appreciation that knowledge alone does not ensure healthy behaviors. First, organizational culture consisted of three supportive aspects: hospital managers, culture of health and education. On the other hand, there were school nurses who stated that health education is an important role for school nurses, giving them the opportunity to see students in a more natural setting, rather than only during a health crisis. The school nurse furthers the application of health promotion principles within all areas of school life, e.g., food service, custodial, etc. Combining qualitative and quantitative studies is complex and can introduce bias and error (Whittemore and Knafl, 2005). The fourth level of cognitive learning, for more advanced learners, is the ability to analyze the information. Indicators relative to the outcome can be selected from the list available, or new indicators can be developed to measure the effectiveness of the specific health education class. V.K. A Concept Analysis of Preparedness: Application to LGBTQ Considerations for Nursing. From a cost-effectiveness perspective, individual patient teaching is a time-consuming and expensive nursing intervention. The Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) lists activities needed to implement health education, from the identification of high risk populations and describing learner characteristics to the planning, implementation, and evaluating of health education programs. As we move into the 21st century, the importance of health education is once again evident as further gains to be made in the health of Americans will be in the area of lifestyle modification, which will benefit many, rather than highly technical and expensive treatments that benefit a few. In addition, personal confidence and flexibility are personal characteristics that nurses working in health promotion are expected to possess (Burge and Fair, 2003; Rush et al., 2005). This diagnosis will provide direction for health education and assure that the time, effort, and money spent will target specific needs. Participation in health education gives the school nurse a opportunity to share this knowledge and to increase his or her visibility and credibility in the school setting. Health promotion by nurses is associated with common universal principles of nursing. Normative values of muscle strength across ages in a 'real world' population: results from the longevity check-up 7+ project. After duplicate papers were excluded one researcher (V.K.) The fifth level, synthesis, indicates that the learners can take apart the information and put it back together in a new and creative way. Thirteen research papers identified features which contributed to nurses' health promotion activities (Robinson and Hill, 1998; Reeve et al., 2004; Jerden et al., 2006; Runciman et al., 2006; Whitehead, 2006b, 2009, 2011; Casey, 2007a,b; Kelley and Abraham, 2007; Wilhelmsson and Lindberg, 2009; Beaudet et al., 2011; Goodman et al., 2011). Nurses play an important role in promoting public health. After that, select defining concepts and arrange hierarchially below of the key concepts. In addition, some stated salary issues or reimbursement for overload needed to be resolved before they would take on this additional responsibility. Projects can facilitate the development of health promotion in nursing practice (Runciman et al., 2006). Health education is an important, yet challenging and time-consuming, nursing intervention. The expertise of nurses with respect to health promotion was described in 16 research papers (Robinson and Hill, 1998; Whitehead, 2001, 2006b, 2007, 2009, 2011; Hopia et al., 2004; Cross, 2005; Jerden et al., 2006; Runciman et al., 2006; Kelley and Abraham, 2007; Witt and Puntel de Almeida, 2008; Fagerström, 2009; Parker et al., 2009; Goodman et al., 2011; Whitehead, 2011). The AHK-Wales Report Card 2018: Policy Measures - is it possible to ‘score’ qualitative data? Health Education” lists eight measurement criteria specifying the role of the school nurse as a health educator in the school setting (Table 1). Integrative reviews have the potential to generate a comprehensive understanding, based on separate research findings, of problems related to health care (Kirkevold, 1997; Whittemore and Knafl, 2005). Important questions to ask include the following: What is the most pressing need? Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Health Sciences, Canthia-building, Yliopistonranta 1C, PO Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio. In addition, the hospital managers were key individuals in ensuring that health promotion activities did not conflict with other work priorities (Jerden et al., 2006; Casey, 2007a; Beaudet et al., 2011). Simply select your manager software from the list below and click on download. Working to prevent the chronic conditions that affect the health of many Americans, such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and cancer, is more cost-effective than treating these diseases once they are established. The aim of this integrative review was to collate the findings of past research studies (1998–2011) of nurses' health promotion activities.