85-3 Question 1: Chapters 4 and 5 of NFPA 33 provide requirements for the design, location and construction of spray booths and spray rooms. This course covers the proper approach, standards, and methods for the inspection of paint and finishing spray booths. NFPA 33 Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustible Materials 2007 Edition Reference: Chapters 4 through 8, Chapter 10 F.I. Standard Tools and Equipment Co designs and manufacturers paint spray booths to comply with NFPA-33, the top-level safety code in the USA for spray application of flammable or combustible materials. [NFPA 1 and 33] Spray Booth Construction. Response: The OSHA standards 1910.106 and 1910.107 apply to the scenario. Spray booth requirements including automatic sprinkler systems, relationship to NFPA 33 requirements, and paint storage. A spray area. References parts of NFPA 33 (Standard for Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustible Materials) National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 1 Fire Code. Spray booths should be constructed with securely and rigidly supported steel, concrete or similar masonry. In addition, OSHA has … Statement noting that the booth has been designed to NFPA 33 (2003) and the 2006 ABC; Location and dimensions of the booth in the tenant space (show overall tenant space) Clearance from booth to adjacent walls (show dimensions) Construction of adjacent walls (e.g. Some authorities require certification by a third-party to confirm compliance. The interiors of a spray booth, spray room, or limited finishing workstation are included, as are several supporting HVAC and production features. Standard Number: ... (NFPA) 33 Standard for Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustible Materials (2000 edition) considered a consensus standard by OSHA that applies to Scenario 1? NFPA 33 … NFPA 33’s broadest term for these structures describes areas “in which flammable or combustible vapors, mists, residues, dusts, or deposits are present due to the operation of spray processes” ( Spray Booth Inspections have traditionally been obscured by a lack of understanding of the appropriate steps and standards. [29 CFR 1910.107(b)(1)] All spray booth floor and baffle plates (grates) should be constructed with noncombustible material. Enforced in areas that have adopted the NFPA’s set of codes; Incorporates NFPA 33 in its entirety; In addition to codes, there are industry standards that are often enforced. The most common is NFPA 33. Since fire is always a risk when running a spray booth, operators are subject to many of the regulations set forth by the NFPA, especially NFPA-33 National Fire Protection Association's Standard for Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustible Materials.