Get our daily newsletter from SEJ's Founder Loren Baker about the latest news in the industry! From an instructor’s or a manager’s perspective, teaching someone how to code is a more easily defined process than teaching them to … Simply put, hard skills are structured and systematic. When done wrong, though, content marketing can distance you from potential customers. Learn more about SEO here: 5 SEO Lessons for the Modern Content Creator. But, all modern marketers must have a firm grasp on the various tools and metrics that can track and analyze their marketing initiatives. But it can help tackle ordinary tasks, so you can save time for important duties. Let’s get into it! And today, I’ve built connections and rapport through telling this authentic story that never would have seen daylight if I hadn’t followed my intuition. Here are some hard skills that directly correlate with B2B marketing success: Data-driven marketing has become an essential component of business growth. Technical skills include specialized knowledge and expertise in fields such as IT, … In these cases, instincts and intuition are often what separates the right decision from the wrong one. When it’s time to ask questions, make it clear you understand what the hiring manager is looking for. Unlearn your hard-held beliefs and be willing to embrace new tactics, always. Picture this: You’re wearing many hats as far as marketing goes. Those that will add more value to your business rather than just distract you. Perhaps you don’t write blog posts or whitepapers, but you send emails, create social media posts, or respond to customer messages. Growth is critical to marketing success—and marketers should have the natural ability to leave old methods behind and pick up new tactics on the go. They include personal attributes like honesty, leadership, work ethic, and more. Creativity is one of the most important skills to have as a marketing coordinator. Learn the most important ones here. Social media has transformed the way people interact with brands online. Online competition is stiff. A successful marketer has strong professional bonds with their colleagues—they observe their team members’ methods, share ideas, ask for feedback and offer assistance in difficult situations. Sometimes, as a digital marketer, you must learn to trust your sixth sense. For example, it was on intuition that I began telling my story of escaping a cult I grew up in as a child, and building a business while still in that cult – (WHAT, right??) Here are 100 types of content you can create. Many machine learning actions are built into the tools we use as marketers. Need even more ideas? Make it clear you’re willing to learn new marketing skills and take on new responsibilities. September 21, 2018   |   11 minute read. In fact, 64% of marketing executives “strongly agree” that data-driven marketing is crucial to success in a hyper-competitive global economy (source). This list is in no particular order. Add massive value to brands (if you’re a marketer) with unmatched campaigns. I even told this story in all its polarizing glory right here with the awesome Danny Goodwin on the Search Engine Journal show. If, for instance, you aren’t already creative during this pandemic, you’re probably losing sales. Especially if you work in email marketing, search engine optimization, or social media … Tip: Although this particular marketing skill is more difficult to demonstrate, you can express your intuition during an interview by giving examples of last minute decisions, keeping cool under pressure, or times when you went against the grain in order to achieve success. The main difference between hard skills and soft skills is that hard skills can usually be taught in a series of concrete steps. Top marketing skills employers would kill for in 2020 are: creativity, UX design, video production, audio production, sales leadership, social media marketing, and digital marketing. In digital marketing, it’s not uncommon to be handling a ton of things in tandem. The term “hard skills” refers to skills that are specific and teachable—things like writing, math, language fluency, or typing. Our sales team can explain the ins and outs of our contact database. Ask questions whenever you don’t understand a concept. It’s how you can outperform the competition. It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned marketer. In-Post Image #1: Internet Live StatsIn-Post Image #2: Google AI. In this article, you’re going to learn just that: Here are the most in-demand hard and soft marketing skills that brands hire for. As marketers learn more about their target audience and industry, they’ll have more perspective to back up their gut instincts. So, if you’re looking for your emails to be read, you’ve got to be a wizard in the game. During the hiring process, give candidates research and ask them to analyze it and explain their thought process. The main difference between hard skills and soft skills is that hard skills can usually be taught in a series of concrete steps. Content marketing, when done right, can move you closer to your target audience. Top 10 Hard Skills Employers Love: List & Examples. Marketers use social media to accomplish a number of goals, from brand building to lead generation and revenue growth. CRM software helps bridge the gap between sales, marketing, and customer service. Today, your customers’ tastes and preferences are ever on the move. Technical Skills. Emotionally intelligent marketers are also able to empathize and relate to customers, which can contribute to more impactful messaging. The thing is, prospects like to be enthralled and won before they want to take the next step with you or your brand. 1. If you’re well versed in this industry, and understand your target audience, following your intuition on next big steps can yield big fruits. Tip: Demonstrate your curiosity during the interview process by expressing your interest in opportunities for growth. Trust your intuition. I’ll show you the stats: A whopping 40% of the world’s population is online, every single day. Here are ten skills that need to be a part of your portfolio. Are your copy and images out of the ordinary? Creativity Skills . You might need to unlearn a few things. Content Marketing. I enjoy a constant flow of ideas between teammates—after all, that’s how the best campaigns are created.”. Econsultancy’s ‘Skills of the Modern Marketer’ report finds only 46% of UK marketers possess a marketing degree or certified marketing qualification. How can you afford to not tap into this crowd, especially today? Hard skills are ones that can be taught. What hard and soft skills do you need to speak the right marketing language and connect with audiences? However, just make sure you’re prioritizing the most important tasks. Here are 10 hard skills that are the most achievable for digital marketers – and the ones that can help you forge a broader knowledge of the industry. Don’t worry about making mistakes, either. And a cool 75% of internet users are reading blogs, every day. SEO is no longer a specialization for one or several team members to handle—all marketers should have a fundamental understanding of SEO best practices to help garner visibility within Google search results. “Marketers need to understand how to connect data streams, and more importantly, interpret this data into insights that are actionable from a marketing perspective,” Zeederberg says. However you answer that question, one thing is for certain—it’s a different answer than the one you’d give five years ago. To be able to stand out from the pack, you need to be different by tapping into your creative juices. In 2011 we answered five questions about the B2B recruiting landscape. Here’s a chart from Internet Live Stats to prove it. They venture outside their comfort zone, study up on industry trends, observe competitors, and often come up with the freshest or most unique ideas. Let’s review some of the top soft skills a B2B marketer can have: Modern marketers must constantly take on new tasks and responsibilities in reaction to changing markets. Experience and abilities are important—but it’s often the more personal, human qualities separate a decent marketer from an exceptional one. Although you don’t want to credit all success to the overall group, hiring managers want to know you’re able to work with others to solve problems. But, if you’ve ever written one, you know how difficult it can be to succ... As important as it is for job candidates to make a good first impression, it’s equally important for the hiring company to do so, too. You may be thinking, there are plenty of marketing positions that don’t directly involve content creation.