Glass frogs sometimes eat their young. The digits are paler than the body. In glass frogs the viscera are visible, and an observer can see the heart pumping blood into the arteries and food moving through the gut. The translucent skin is by far the most distinctive feature of the glass frog. The Emerald Glass Frog. Their size depends on their species. Possessing nice vision in their little eyes, that are directed at 45 degrees forward to view the distance of their small prey. The glass frog species Centrolenidae was first described by Marcos Jimenez da la Espada in 1872 where he found one of the “giants” which are 3.03 inches (7.7 cm). As with many other glass frogs, the reticulated glass frog’s body is transparent. The frog's eyes are large and bulge outwards. The creature is territorial especially the males. There are more than 60 different types of these frogs. Quick Facts: – Glass frog is an arboreal creature that means they prefer to live in trees. You will quickly notice that the Glass Frog, which is also known as the See-Through Frog isn’t nearly as colourful and you can actually see through it. The glass frogs stomach is completely transparent and close examination of his unique creature reveals a fully visible system of organs including the heart, liver, and full intestinal tract. ... Fun Facts. The body also features yellow round spots and black dots on their light green skin. Scientific Classification; Quick Information Glass frog, (family Centrolenidae), any of a group of tree frogs found in the New World tropics, some species of which have translucent bellies and chests. They are sometimes a lovely yellow color, as in the animal above. Glass Frog Facts. The skin is flecked with black. Reticulated glass frog is a small species of frog occurring in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, and Colombia. Being able to see through an animal may even be more interesting then possessing all the colours of the rainbow. This, combined with their transparent bodies, makes them very difficult to spot for people or for predators. Glass frog or “see-through frog” is a unique type of frog that is named that way because of its translucent skin. Indeed, glass frogs are the only known land animals with a partially see-through body on Earth (with the possible exception of glasswing butterflies).. Glass frog Facts Interesting Facts about Glass frog Facts about Glass frog During the daylight, the frogs … The emerald glass frog (Espadarana prosoblepon) is emerald green in color, as its name suggests. Their diet is believed to be similar to the diet of other small frogs like flies, spiders and other small invertebrates. A flashlight shown on a glass frog at night reveals little of the frog except its large eyes and a dark smudge where the skull is. Quite the disguise! The species is nocturnal and arboreal. Their heart is visible from the outside of their bodies by a red color on their chests. Glass frogs are usually active at night. Depending on the species these small frogs vary in size from 1.2 – 3.0 inches (3 – 7.5 cm), which is about the size of a quarter.