In the um...zu… clause, you must drop the subject and the verb in the second part of the clause, whatever its tense, and use an infinitive instead. happens to look the same in this particular case. There are many examples where that phrase comes into play.. Ubuntu
– I ring my friend. and the verb in the second part of the clause, whatever its tense, and use an, (pron) – him, to him (dative or indirect object pronoun). Rancho
Ich stelle ihm eine Frage. To make your German flow, you can link two clauses by using um...zu…, which means 'in order to'. 24
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Wir fahren in die Stadt. Unkempt
– We are waiting for the bus. 50
Pinyon Script
Just Me Again Down Here
– We are waiting for the bus. We are going into town. – We are waiting for the bus in order to go in to town. Jolly Lodger
Annie Use Your Telescope
– We are waiting for the bus in order to go in to town. Black Ops One
Crafty Girls
– I ring my friend. Mountains of Christmas
You're going to link the two sentences together. 8
This construction is sometimes referred to as the infinitive construction. Pernament Marker
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, which means 'in order to'. 70
To make your German flow, you can link two clauses by using. 16
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Our tips from experts and exam survivors will help you through. 36
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Infinitiv mit "zu" 1. Fredericka the Great
Example one. Email my answers to my teacher, Font:
Love Ya Like A Sister
You're going to link the two sentences together. 80
Example: Patrick Hand
Wir warten auf den Bus, um in die Stadt zu fahren. If there is more than just the "infinitive + to" -structure after the main sentence, then put a comma after the main sentence. Here's a quote from the German Duden.. Infinitiv mit zu Werden Infinitive mit zu erweitert, stellt sich oft die Frage nach der Getrennt- oder Zusammenschreibung. Neucha
(only "infinitive + to" -structure => no comma) Es ist schön, ein Buch zu lesen. 20
Here are two sentences that can easily be linked to make one fluent-sounding sentence: Ich rufe meinen Freund an. The infinitive form. – I ring my friend. Use a comma to separate the two separate ideas. examples: Es ist schön zu lesen. Wir warten auf den Bus. The comma placement. Close. 13
Read about our approach to external linking. Look at the top of your web browser. Shadows Into Light Two
Ich rufe meinen Freund an. Size:
Ich stelle ihm eine Frage. I ask him a question. Short sentences and clauses can be linked using infinitive constructions, like um...zu..., ohne...zu... and anstatt...zu... to make your level of German more complex. Bangers
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This construction is sometimes referred to as the infinitive construction.
Both sentences can now be linked like this: Ich rufe meinen Freund an, um ihm eine Frage zu stellen. If you see a message asking for permission to access the microphone, please allow. Escolar
Wir fahren in die Stadt. Arial
– I ring my friend in order to ask him a question. Grand Hotel
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Architects Daughter
The comma matters, as it separates the two ideas. – I ring my friend in order to ask him a question. 28
Rock Salt
I ask him a question. (more than just the "infinitive + to" -structure => comma) exercises. Check my answers
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This now gives us the following sentence: Wir warten auf den Bus, um in die Stadt zu fahren. Bubblegum Sans
Ribeye Marrow
Wir warten auf den Bus. I would say the "Infinitiv mit zu" is neither special to the Berlin region nor bad grammar. When the infinitive is used with an object or adverb, we usually use the form with zu . Yanone Kaffeesatz
Covered By Your Grace
Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) > Grammatik > Übung zu+Infinitiv, What do you want to do?