Budget Preparation. Technical skills like these empower the workforce, ensuring that they deliver high quality services and products. For example, a project manager must be organized, knowledgeable and able to multitask. Choose to build your career with the technical skills that would best compliment your resume. Finally, regardless of whether a project manager is involved in formal negotiations or not, it will be easier to carry out the most diverse activities when he has confidence in his negotiation skills. Project managers are required in every industry from construction through to digital design. They must also be a good communicator, strong leader and effective problem-solver. Negotiation skills for a project manager: Conclusions. 1. To list project manager qualifications on a resume the right way, customize your skills section so that it matches the requirements from the job ad. Project management really matters here because projects that veer off course, or which fail to adapt to the business needs may end up being expensive and/or unnecessary. Technical skills include simple things such as the ability to properly use technology in your role, efficiently use the various software programs that are required in your particular environment, and handle other aspects that may pertain to your job function. The importance of technical, strategic, and leadership skills for project managers. The Top Three Skills Every Successful Project Manager Needs to Focus On - DZone Agile Agile Zone IT skills training can add more richness to your life, your CV and your job, giving you the power to do more and do it efficiently. Being able to effectively coordinate resources, people and budgets as a project manager is one of the best technical skills that you can have. Preparation of the budget is an essential skill that should be learnt by the project manager. While technical project managers need a solid set of all the skills mentioned above, the highly specialized nature of their work requires aptitudes and abilities beyond those of the non-technical PM.. Three key technical project manager skills are: Sound foundational knowledge of IT infrastructure and architecture Leadership. Top 3 technical project manager skills. Here are five essential technical skills that every project manager should possess to ensure that smooth operations and successfully delivery of the projects. But a project manager will ensure that the project is part of that realignment. An aid in this sense can be, for example, a training course based on negotiation skills. Don’t just showcase your project management skill set in the skills section: sprinkle some skill-related keywords in your summary and the work experience section. 2. Project management skills refer to the core abilities that are necessary to successfully bring a project from start to finish.