The degree usually requires 45 to 60 credits, depending on the specialty and the school. Students who enroll part-time in a counseling program may take three or more years to complete the degree. Counseling degrees are offered at the master's degree level, so it will not matter if you apply to a school that offers counseling degrees or not. A master’s in counseling psychology teaches you to understand the relationships people of all ages have with themselves and others. You will need to obtain your bachelor's degree, but you can obtain it in just about any field prior to entering a counseling degree program. While it is not required that you choose a CACREP-accredited program, doing so will make earning a license to practice easier to obtain, as … You will help your young or adolescent students to develop the academic and social skills to get the most out of their education. A full-time student can finish a master's in counseling in two years or less. If you can complete at least 15 credits per semester, the degree will take you no more than two years. Getting Your Masters in Counseling. However, other students who are strongly motivated to complete the program can also apply. You’ll gain the tools to address your patients’ concerns at the various stages of their lives, including emotional, social, work, school, physical, and mental issues. To earn graduate credentials, candidates typically complete at least 30 credits, which can take 1-2 years depending on the format of their program. Answer: Master’s in counseling programs are generally designed to be completed in four academic semester, or roughly two years of full-time enrollment. Master's in counseling programs prepare students for careers as licensed counselors, social workers, and psychologists. You must allow for driving time to and from the college, time for parking and traversing the campus. Choose an Accredited Program. The practicum and the thesis (a thesis is only necessary for an M.A.) Normally, a student will begin a master’s in counseling program after completing a related undergraduate degree. Attending a walk-in facility brings with it time considerations. Working while in a counseling master’s program is greatly affected by whether you will be attending a traditional institution or participating in an online program. A counseling internship might be completed in the final semesters of a master's program or after graduation. A master’s degree in this type of counseling takes two years to earn, and you will be qualified after graduation to work as a school counselor. Here are five tips for being accepted into a master’s program in counseling. Students with a bachelor’s degree in psychology or counseling are strong candidates for these programs. The Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP) provides a standard for all counselor education programs.