Many students continue on to a four-year institution after completing a community or junior college program. Schools either fall into the two or four-year college categories, but there are a variety of other distinctions between colleges that make the campuses stand out. Also called vocational schools or technical colleges, trade schools provide technical skills for specific careers. Community colleges, junior colleges, and technical colleges are types of two-year colleges that offer degree and professional certificate programs that can be completed in two years. However, there are other terms colleges will use to define their institution. Additionally, these colleges have a much larger population of female faculty and administrators. Many students choose to enroll in two-year institutions to obtain associate’s (or two-year) degrees before attending a bigger, often more expensive four-year institution to obtain a bachelor’s degree. Within those categories, there are a variety of subdivisions and distinctions between schools. There are 101 HBCUs in the United States, both private and public. These courses are often geared toward working professionals, with classes offered outside of regular working hours. According to the NCES, enrollment in for-profit institutions has increased by 109 percent since 2000, though that number has been declining since the financial crisis in 2007. Liberal arts colleges are four-year institutions that focus on the liberal arts: humanities, social and physical sciences, and mathematics. Traditionally, women’s colleges prepared women for assigned societal roles, such as teaching, but they evolved into degree-granting academic institutions after World War II. Community College vs. University: What's the Difference? Two-year institutions include community colleges, trade schools, and for-profit universities. Students that complete these programs earn bachelor’s degrees. As you explore colleges, you will learn about different types of colleges or universities. Two-year colleges provide lower-level higher education, commonly known as continuing education. Historically Black Colleges and Universities, 12 Best Pre-Law Schools for Future Lawyers, Top Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Funding for public institutions comes from state and federal taxes, as well as student tuition and fees, and private donors. Traditionally, a college was a small, often private institution that only offered undergraduate programs, while universities were larger institutions that offered undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees. A student may even apply to schools in different categories. Other institutional distinctions include Historically Black Colleges and Universities, women’s colleges, and Tribal Colleges and Universities. These colleges offer the first two years of a liberal arts education, as well as career or vocational training. If you're thinking of what you'd like to major in, read on to discover some options. These colleges offer the first two years of a liberal arts education, as well as career or vocational training. Historically Black College and Universities, or HBCUs, are educational institutions founded before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the goal of providing higher education to African-American students. Like HBCUs or Women’s colleges, these colleges focus on the needs and education of a group that has been traditionally underrepresented in higher education. 0 0. For-profit colleges are educational institutions that are privately owned and operated. COMPLETE LIST OF 2019 FLY-IN AND DIVERSITY PROGRAMS, Discover more than $11 billion in scholarships and merit aid, Get your college matches and see which colleges want you, Instantly see your admissions chances for getting into the college of your dreams. Students that complete programs at two-year institutions can receive certifications or associates degrees. There are many types of colleges and universities, each having its own mission and purpose within American education. There are approximately 30 extant species of oceanic dolphins, including several species that are often mistaken for whales. Women’s colleges are education institutions founded to provide single-sex education for women; these institutions only admit female students. Two-year or four-year colleges are also types of colleges. There are 32 accredited Tribal Colleges and Universities operating in the United States. But there are some private colleges that are specifically for men or for women. It can be more difficult to get to know your professors at a university than at a liberal arts college, but this is not always the case. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), undergraduate enrollment in four-year colleges is 65 percent, nearly 11 million students. National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). Private Public colleges and universities are owned and operated by the state board of education within the state where the college is located. Colleges and universities can be divided into two-year institutions and four-year institutions. We have hundreds of schools in our database with a wide variety of engineering degrees, including ABET-accredited engineering degrees at all levels, as well as dozens of engineering program reviews written by technology experts. Comments Off on The Different Types of Colleges 19 September 2013. Sometimes called junior college, community colleges offer higher education opportunities within communities. Religiously affiliated colleges. Now, these colleges celebrate African-American culture and empowerment, and give black students the chance to experience an educational community in which they are finally part of the majority. Boise State University and the University of California are examples of public universities. These colleges originated when African-American students were legally denied access to most other institutions of higher education.